Event | Webinar

#PensionsTensions – Exploring the Stresses and Strains on UK Pension Saving Following the COVID-19 Pandemic

Region: Europe
27 August 2020

A recording of the webinar is available for download.

You may have read our #PensionsTensions series of publications reflecting on key areas of concern arising from the COVID-19 pandemic for those involved in the running of occupational pension schemes. The four publications each examined four issues from a different viewpoint, assigning a #PressureMeasure to each issue:

In this webinar, we take a closer look at the tensions that we flag in these publications and the opportunities for reflection and further change. We will also cover recent developments that will influence how pension scheme trustees and employers react to the immediate pressures they face, and plan ahead for the challenges to come.

There is no charge for participating in this webinar.