
Level 17, Aurora Place
88 Phillip Street
Sydney, NSW 2000
F +61 2 8248 7899

Sydney is an integral financial and corporate hub in Australia and across the Asia Pacific region.

Our team has been carefully selected because of its skill, knowledge, experience and drive to provide exceptional client care. 

The Sydney team works in collaboration with our Perth office. We have a strong track record of providing quality legal services to businesses operating in the region and beyond. Our approach is to place your business interests first, offering frank advice and developing practical, efficient solutions.  

Why Choose Us 

We are an award-winning legal practice. We have one of the world’s strongest integrated platforms and are ranked as a top 20 global law firm by Law360. Renowned for our influential connections and diverse sector expertise, we advise large and small corporations, financial institutions and government entities in Australia and across the globe. We are proud to have been involved as principal legal advisers in many of the significant milestone investments in Australia.


“您可能会发现很难找到一间像翰宇一样着眼于客户并致力于为客户服务的律所。” --坎贝尔.戴维森,悉尼分所管理合伙人


翰宇是荣获众多奖项和荣誉的律师事务所,在全球21个国家开办了44间分所,拥有1,500 多位律师。翰宇国际拥有全球实力最强大的一体化平台,被Law360评级为“全球15大顶尖律所”之一。我们凭借具有影响力的关系网络和多样化的行业专长为澳大利亚和全球各地的各类大型和小型企业、金融机构和政府部门提供法律咨询建议。让我们倍感自豪的是,我们在澳大利亚众多里程碑投资项目中担任客户的首席法律顾问。

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Our team provides quality and experienced advice for clients across the full life cycle of a construction project, from front-end contractual negotiations through to managing claims, disputes and litigation.

We work with local and state governments, global engineering and construction companies, property asset owners and developers. Coupled with our expertise and global best practice approach, our team is experienced to undertake major projects and public-private partnerships (PPP) projects.


Dedicated to the corporate sector, we can bring you tailored solutions that are built around your situation, needs and ambitions. Our vast experience includes advising private, public and government entities on everything from small and relatively straightforward transactions, up to large and complex global cases.

Cross-border Expertise 

A significant portion of our work extends across borders, offering expanded support to clients throughout the Asia Pacific region. With our influential network and global perspective, we can provide a comprehensive, streamlined service to businesses involved in the most complex international transactions.

Intellectual Property and Technology 

With a leading Intellectual Property & Technology team, we can protect and productively use intellectual property on your behalf. IP has become a critical element to the long-term growth and success of many businesses, and our team is well positioned to advise you on your Australian IP and technology strategy.

Labour and Employment

Qualified in Australia and the UK, our Labour & Employment team is highly experienced in the labour laws and practices of each Australian jurisdiction and provides seamless advice across the Australian employment, industrial relations, immigration and workplace health and safety landscape.

Our practice spans both private and public sectors and the broadest spectrum of client industries, from mining and manufacturing to education and financial services. We provide a complete package to cover the workplace needs of businesses inbound to Australia, including access to tax and immigration advice.

Members of the team appear regularly in front of Fair Work Australia and state, district and federal courts and tribunals.


Our team is known for its capacity to manage disputes ranging from high-profile, complex litigation to routine matters. We have strong advocacy and trial experience, together with the ability to work to achieve an early resolution if the circumstances permit. We have experience in state and federal courts and tribunals, as well as in arbitration (including international arbitration) and mediation.

Investment Funds and Financial Services

Our Financial Services team provides expert legal advice on all aspects of Australian financial services law and regulation. We work with wholesale and retail fund managers, trustees and custodians, helping them to navigate Australia’s financial services regime in establishing, operating and managing their businesses.

Whether you are an entrepreneur looking to launch a novel investment product, an offshore fund provider setting up a new fund or investing in Australia or an experienced custodian servicing an Australian or offshore client, we will help you achieve your commercial goals and meet your legal obligations in an efficient and cost-effective way.

Real Estate

Our Real Estate Practice encompasses initial planning, acquisition, financing, investment, development, construction, leasing, liquor licensing, management and sales across the full life cycle of a property asset. Our services range from providing counsel in contract negotiations during the acquisition phase, to resolving technical issues during the construction phase, to assisting the client with management and leasing issues during the operations phase. We also represent clients in connection with the resolution of troubled real estate loans and leases, including foreclosures and related litigation, loan and lease re-negotiations, post-petition financing, refinancing and loan workouts and restructurings.

Our team also advises clients on the need for environmental awareness in respect of projects and development, providing negotiation of agreements with government agencies, identification and risk management of statutory approvals and procurement and land delivery. We have significant experience in major urban renewal projects that encompass the full range of development, land contamination and sustainability issues. We recognise that sound strategic and statutory planning for approvals at the outset of a property project can mitigate risk and deliver identifiable financial outcomes to a client.

In addition, our team provides advice and representation in the State Administrative Tribunal (SAT) – for both developers and government agencies in respect of development and subdivision applications and proposed structure plans.

Restructuring and Insolvency

We have one of the largest, most experienced and respected global restructuring and insolvency practices of any law firm. Locally, our team encompasses a broad range of corporate, commercial and insolvency-related litigation, with a particular emphasis on matters relating to the Australian Corporations legislation, bankruptcy, state and federal trade legislation, negligence and contractual disputes. We advise on all aspects of restructurings and insolvencies and work with administrators, liquidators, receivers and other key stakeholders on complex matters.

Tax Strategy and Benefits

Our multi-practice tax offering brings you the full range of tax services, including traditional tax planning and the design and implementation of innovative solutions.