Podcast | Workforce Worldview

Sponsored Workers Changing Location – What Do Sponsors Need To Do?

September 2024
Region: Europe

When sponsoring a worker from overseas, it is of course necessary to state where they will be working. But if that location changes, what do sponsor licence holders need to do? Osheenn Giam and Magali Ferreyra Alvarez from our Business Immigration team work through the sometimes-tricky topic of work location reports, outlining the details that require close attention.

A few key points from their discussion:

If a worker moves location, what needs to happen?

That depends; broadly speaking, the new location needs adding to the sponsor licence and then reporting to the Home Office, but not always. Osheenn expands on the different circumstances and how they affect sponsors’ obligations.

What if the site they move to is not related to the sponsor – if it’s a client’s site, for example?

Again, it depends – one-off visits differ from working elsewhere regularly, for example – and the Home Office may need to assess the situation. There are various important factors at play here, and sponsors need to be sure they are well informed!

And what about working remotely – is that a change of location that needs reporting?

Hybrid arrangements are unlikely to need reporting, but full-time home working may well do. And any time spent working abroad may of course have UK tax implications, so could also need reporting.

With all of the questions surrounding this issue, the details are key – which is of course why Magali and Osheenn are discussing them here – and why it is so important for sponsors to seek advice from our labour, employment and business immigration specialists.

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