Podcast | Workforce Worldview

B-1, ESTA and Permissible Activities – How Do US Business Visas Work?

August 2024
Region: Americas

In this episode of our Workforce Worldview podcast, we join Samuel Mudrick and Gregory Wald as they discuss what you need to know about US business visas. They run through the do’s and don’ts, outlining what type of visa you need for your trip, how to get one, what it allows you to do, and – crucially – what it doesn’t.

A few key takeaways from the discussion:

What visa will I need as a US business visitor?

That depends on a few factors about you and your background – you may well need a B-1 visa, but you may not need a visa at all.

Why might I not need a visa – is that ESTA?

Yes: ESTA is the name of platform used to register for the Visa Waiver Program. Sam and Greg discuss who is eligible, and what exceptions to look out for.

How do I apply for a business visa? And how long does it take?

In short: contact your local US Embassy or Consulate, and give yourself plenty of time. Sam explains what can help a successful application – and what pitfalls to avoid.

What can I do on a business visa?

A business visa allows business activities – but not actual work. That might sound confusing, but Sam has a useful explanation for how work and business differ.

How long can I stay?

There are standard periods – 90 days for ESTA and 180 days for B-1 – but it is important to manage that time: if you stay up to the limit, it may look like a work visit, not just business.

Any tips or advice?

There are lots of details to consider, so yes: Greg and Sam talk through plenty of do’s and don’ts. Key among them is to have everything well organized for your application – and for when you or your colleagues land in the US – and, most importantly, talk to one of our immigration lawyers!