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Energy & Environment Policy

We combine legal expertise with political and business advisory services to help our clients successfully navigate the complexities of policy making bodies around the globe.

Our Energy & Environment Policy team is widely recognized as one of the pre-eminent public policy law teams in the US and around the world. Our collective knowledge of “how government works” derives from the skill and experience of our lawyers and policy advisers, many who joined the firm from senior positions in a federal administrative or regulatory agency.

Our Energy & Environment Policy team began when the law firm was engaged in helping to advocate for, and draft, the legislation that authorized the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System in 1973. Since then, our practitioners have served as trusted advisers to broad array of private and public sector clients, as well as sovereign entities, on how best to advance their objectives in Washington DC, Brussels and beyond.

By combining legal expertise with political and business advisory services, we help our clients anticipate and counteract threats, while at the same time helping them to navigate regulatory requirements to advance their business goals and objectives. 


  • Multinational corporations
  • Financial institutions
  • Government investment bodies
  • State-owned enterprises
  • Engineering and infrastructure developers
  • Utilities
  • Oil and gas companies
  • Renewable energy companies
  • Mineral resource companies
  • Independent transmission companies
  • Independent power producers
  • Commodity export and import companies
  • Emerging technology companies
  • Non-governmental organizations
  • Educational institutions
Representative Matters
  • One of the world’s largest energy companies – Represented in its global procurement of solar modules (over US$1.25 billion) from the largest manufacturer of solar modules in connection with its global procurement from Europe, Asia and the US and compliance with US trade laws.
  • Thin film solar manufacturing company – Advised this California company in its strategic planning, government affairs and public policy matters.
  • Ad Hoc Deep Water Exploration and Production Coalition – Represented in successfully opposing legislation that would have negated contracts entered into by coalition members to develop leases in the US Gulf of Mexico.
  • One of the world’s largest original equipment manufacturers – Represented with its US regulatory compliance as well as its business interests in front of the US Congress.
  • Leading multinational oil company – Advised on compliance and business opportunities under the US Renewable Fuels Standard.
  • Negotiated power purchase agreements for the purchase of energy, capacity and environmental attributes from a geothermal generation facility.
  • Power purchaser – Advised on performance and default standards in a power purchase agreement for a biomass generation facility.
  • Major environmental organization – Represented in helping secure enactment of the RESTORE the Gulf Coast States Act of 2012, pursuant to which potentially billions of dollars in fines from the Deepwater Horizon incident will be spent restoring the environment and economic health of the Gulf Coast Region.
  • Sovereigns and their energy companies – Advised concerning relations with the US government and its cognizant agencies.
  • Some of the largest energy transportation projects in US history – Served as lead counsel in connection with the establishment of legal regimes for siting, licensing, construction and operation, including lead representation of the consortium that secured passage of authorizing legislation, obtained a license for, and constructed and operated the Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline System; lead representation of the successful competing applicant for authorization to build and operate the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System; and lead representation from the beginning to the present, of the consortium which obtained the license for, designed, constructed and operates the Louisiana Offshore Oil Port – this country’s only offshore deepwater oil reception facility.
  • High profile nuclear facilities – Advised in connection with storage, risk management, safety and decommissioning efforts.
  • Major utilities – Advised on nuclear risk management, storage, and waste disposal issues. Currently involved in a broad ranging industry effort to institute revisions to government programs to reinvigorate the US nuclear industry.
  • Several large multinational corporations – Developed the worldwide environmental management and social responsibility programs. Directed the policy aspects of a broad range of resource extraction, energy transportation, and energy matters.
Our Team

Our lawyers, senior advisors and policy advisors work across borders and across disciplines as one team to tackle issues for our clients. Several have held senior government positions where they learned how to navigate the government decision-making process, a skill they call upon often to address the specialized needs of clients. They include former:

  • Members of the US Congress
  • US congressional staff
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • European Commission staff
  • US and non-US ambassadors
  • Senior officials from the US Departments of State, Justice, Commerce, Defense, Treasury, Transportation and Homeland Security
  • White House officials