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Products Liability Litigation

Our Products Liability Litigation Practice is internationally renowned for its successful defense of many of the world’s largest companies in cases involving catastrophic bodily injury, property damage or economic loss allegedly caused by defective products, devices or exposure to toxic substances.

We regularly represent clients as global, national and regional coordinating counsel on mass action, multidistrict litigation (MDL), cross-border and individual lawsuits. Our extensive experience and broad footprint allow us to provide clients with a unified defense and thorough insight into theories of liability, scientific and medical experts, the national plaintiffs’ bar in the US and claimants’ counsel in Europe, as well as judges and courtroom procedure in jurisdictions across the globe. In Europe, we represent clients in criminal proceedings related to products liability matters, and in Asia, we advise clients on China’s 2010 Tort Liability Law.

Why Choose Us

  • Ability to work as lead counsel in all areas of products liability defense, including trials, MDL coordination, experts, eDiscovery, and settlement strategies and implementation
  • Experienced, successful products liability trial counsel
  • In-depth technical knowledge of products and related medical, scientific, engineering and design principles
  • False advertising, marketing and deceptive trade practice claims representation
  • Comprehensive defense of all aspects of whistleblower, qui tam and False Claims Act allegations
  • International reach, representing clients’ products liability matters globally, including the US, Europe, Latin America and Asia Pacific
  • Representation before US, EU and UK regulatory and certification authorities that oversee consumer health and protection and product quality control
  • Extensive criminal proceeding experience in Europe in products liability matters
  • Product recalls and preventative liability advice on warranties, warning labels and issues related to corporate transactions and mergers
  • Internationally recognized expertise, including trial lawyers who are Fellows in the American College of Trial Lawyers, and lawyers recognized in legal guides such as Best Lawyers, U.S. News & World Report’s “Best Law Firms” survey, Legal 500, Lawdragon 500, Leading Lawyers in America and the Guide to Product Liability Lawyers

We represent clients as both trial lawyers and advisory counsel on their products liability needs:

Litigation Counsel

  • Trial counsel
  • Subject matter counsel, including experts, sales and marketing issues, and crisis management
  • Global, national (including MDL) and regional coordinating counsel
  • Regulatory counsel
  • Settlement counsel
  • Appellate counsel

Advisory Counsel

  • Regulatory counsel
  • Transactional due diligence
  • Product recalls
  • Adverse event claims
  • Corrective action programs
  • Product licensing, acquisitions and sales
  • Indemnity and insurance issues
  • Disclaimers, instructions, warnings and warranties
  • Market risk evaluation
  • Clinical trials
  • Compliance programs, investigations and Corporate Integrity Agreements
  • US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and UK Bribery Act

Regulatory Insight

We collaborate with our regulatory lawyers around the world to keep apprised of new regulations that may impact our clients’ product portfolios. If our clients are subject to litigation, our regulatory lawyers help us assess our clients’ exposure before regulatory agencies, including:

  • US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
  • US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
  • US Department of Justice (DOJ)
  • European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)
  • European Medicines Agency (EMA)
  • UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
  • European Notified Bodies, including TÜV Rheinland
  • Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW)

We pride ourselves in our ability to follow our clients’ lead. Whether the facts demand an immediate settlement strategy or an aggressive defense, we provide practical and effective legal counsel. We develop a coordinated litigation, regulatory and public relations strategy designed to achieve clients’ desired goals on all fronts.