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Fraud & Asset Recovery

Our Fraud Investigations & Asset Recovery team is market leading. We act for governments, sovereign funds, banks and other financial institutions, including asset-based lenders, trade financiers and hedge funds, as well as private companies and individuals.

We have a global presence, with offices throughout Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin and North America and the Middle East. This means we can pursue tracing actions worldwide in virtually every major jurisdiction, utilizing our local lawyers who are fluent in a country’s native language and familiar with the local law, judges and court procedure.

We actively protect the interests of sovereign governments, international businesses and private entities in complex, cross-border disputes involving international law and adjudicating bodies. As one of the world’s leading public policy law firms, we are widely acknowledged for our understanding of the complex, ever-changing global political landscape.

Our team works closely with our Financial Services, Public Policy, Government Investigations & White Collar, UK Bribery and Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) groups around the world to advise on possible sanctions, avoidance techniques and the criminal implications for non-compliance. We work to protect our clients’ interests within the guidelines of local regulations and the scope of their global compliance objectives.

In any fraud claim, time is critical. We specialize in obtaining urgent ancillary relief, including freezing injunctions, search and seizure orders, disclosure orders and passport seizure orders before the relevant court. Our global reach, local knowledge and influential contacts mean we can implement the best remedy available in virtually any given jurisdiction.

Why Choose Us

  • We have recovered hundreds of millions of pounds/US dollars of misappropriated assets on behalf of clients
  • Huge successes in major cases, including the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) scandal
  • Recognized and well respected in global banking circles and by certain governments for our expertise
  • Named as best Asset-Based Lending Firm in Business Money Magazine (2011, 2012 and 2013) – we represent up to 90% of the asset-based lenders in the UK and have acted on virtually all of their major fraud claims
  • Global fraud counsel and member of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) FraudNet, with local, native-speaking lawyers in practically every major country across the world
  • Expertise in coordinating multijurisdictional efforts and working with the best global forensic investigation teams
  • Invaluable connections with forensic accountants and investigators who are crucial to the success of any action
  • Identifying, tracing, preserving and recovering assets using all relevant ancillary orders, including freezing injunctions, search and seizure orders, passport confiscation and disclosure applications
  • Pursing wrongdoers in cases of deceit, fraudulent misrepresentation, breach of trust, breach of fiduciary duty, dishonest assistance and bribery
  • Advising on and conducting litigation under the FCPA, UK Bribery Act, Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act and the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act

Our civil fraud litigation and asset recovery services are complemented by our comprehensive knowledge of regulatory and statutory regimes to provide worldwide insight and assistance, including:

  • Public policy
  • White collar
  • FCPA/UK Bribery Act and anticorruption practices