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Antitrust & Competition Litigation

Our Antitrust & Competition Litigation team is global. We have significant knowledge of antitrust and competition laws around the world and the practical trial and litigation experience required to achieve substantive and positive outcomes for our clients. We also bring to bear the invaluable and unique ability to coordinate litigation strategy across multiple jurisdictions – across the US and across the globe.

Antitrust lawsuits tend to be substantial in scope and complexity. In the US, the European Union and other jurisdictions, damages in private civil case are frequently enhanced, such as treble damage awards in the US, or made easier to prove. Government cases are often brought by more than one government or followed by private actions. Moreover, private suits often follow or may generate criminal or civil government investigations. Our depth of experience in representing corporations and individuals in connection with criminal grand jury and civil government investigations makes us particularly well suited to litigate antitrust cases in court. We have experience in all aspects of antitrust litigation, including trials, class action proceedings, multijurisdictional coordination and appellate advocacy.

Why Choose Us

  • Our antitrust litigation capabilities are global, with particular strength in the US and Europe – regions with the most challenging standards related to antitrust awards, criminal violations and emerging regulations
  • We have a large presence in Washington DC and Brussels – the two principal seats of antitrust courts and regulatory bodies in the world, as well as deep litigation experience in other jurisdictions, including San Francisco, London, New York, Paris, Houston, Cleveland and Miami
  • We regularly appear before investigation and enforcement agencies in not only the US and before the EC, but also in France, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Canada, Japan and the UK
  • Several members of our practice have spent portions of their careers with the US DOJ Antitrust Division, US FTC Bureau of Competition and the Competition Directorate of the European Commission
  • Ability to handle simultaneous civil and government lawsuits and investigations practically anywhere in the world, and in the US at both the federal and state level, including State Attorneys General actions in several US states, parens patriae actions on behalf of injured parties under the Sherman Antitrust Act and follow-on lawsuits
  • We have significant US class action and multidistrict litigation (MDL) experience related to both consumer and business antitrust lawsuits
  • We have significant experience litigating private competition law actions in Europe
  • We offer substantial experience with industries that experience unique antitrust issues, including aviation, healthcare, chemicals and telecommunications
  • Recognized thought leadership and expertise in antitrust and antitrust litigation, including Guide to the World’s Leading Competition and Antitrust Lawyers, Best Lawyers, Chambers, Legal Experts Europe, Middle East & Africa and Legal 500

Scope of Services

We represent clients with respect to a full range of antitrust counseling, investigations, and civil and criminal litigation, including US class actions and appeals, relating to:

  • Civil damages claims based on monopoly, abuse of dominant position or allegations of unlawful collective action
  • Price fixing, bid-rigging, including international cartel, and price fixing conspiracies
  • Distribution agreements and territorial restriction claims, including price discrimination, exclusive dealing, loyalty programs, dealer terminations and tying
  • Mergers, acquisitions and joint venture violations
  • Anticompetitive challenges related to joint selling, marketing or R&D agreements and information exchange
  • Anticompetitive challenges related to intellectual property, including patents, trademarks, IP licensing and IP acquisition
  • Antitrust and competition compliance programs, including dawn raids
  • ADR proceedings related to commercial disputes involving antitrust issues