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European Electronic Communications Code – Transposition Status

Current as of March 5, 2024

The purpose of this page is to track the implementation of the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC) across European member states and the UK. You can see implementation at a glance via the map below, or click on the links for each country to see a detailed summary of current status.

Europe Focus

Please note that this material has been published for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.

Please note that the UK has adopted a phased approach, with only a few consumer pieces to be implemented next year.

Choose a country from the list below to view its current implementation status.

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic,

Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,

Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg,

Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania,

Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, UK


Current status: Implemented as of November 1, 2021.


New Austrian Telecommunications Act

This legislation entails network security aspects, including supply chain requirements for high-risk suppliers of telecommunications hardware, and consumer protection provisions, as well as specific data protection requirements for the telecommunications sector. The law also provides for the inclusion of number-independent interpersonal communication services and obligations for contracts.

The Number Portability Ordinance 2022 regulation on number porting between mobile voice communications entered into force on May 11, 2022.

The new regulation will adapt the existing provisions to the legal basis provided in the Austrian Telecommunications Act 2021. Of particular interest are the exemption from charges for number portability for end users, the discontinuation of the existing end user contract ex lege unless otherwise agreed, and the extension of the option for subsequent number portability to one month after the end of the contract.

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Current status: Implemented January 10, 2022 unless detailed below.


Law Transposing the European Electronic Communications Code and amending various provisions relating to Electronic Communications

The new act implements the EECC and some other provisions:

  • Enhancing easy switching between telecom providers
  • Forcing telecom providers to propose the most affordable prices to existing customers annually
  • Enabling easier screening for text messages so telecom operators are able to block spam messages

Most of the provisions entered into force shortly after the publication of the act on January 10, 2022.The provisions whose entry into force differ are the following:

  • Article 143 – Implementation of article 102 of the EECC, regarding the requirements of information in contracts, and article 105, are immediately applicable to existing contracts, unless for the obligations to which an explicit derogation of the consumer is possible; those enter into force in two years for contracts of an undefined period.
  • The same is provided for article 167, transposing article 107 of the EECC (bundled offers).
  • Article 145, implementing annex VI, section 1 of the EECC, regarding the detailed invoice, entered immediately into force to existing contracts.
  • Article 150, implementing article 105, §3 of the EECC (contract duration and termination), regarding the possibility for final users to terminate the contract at any time with a maximum notice period of one month, entered into force immediately to existing contracts.
  • Article 121, regarding certain requirements on the compensation of the social component of the universal service, will enter into force at a date yet to be determined by a Royal Decree.
  • Article 134 – On the possibility to adopt a Royal Decree providing for certain obligations to operators for the general interest. The Royal Decree may also give the Belgian Institute for Post and Telecommunications the power to impose prices to operators, for public interest. This article enters into force on the day the Royal Decree enters into force.

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Current status: Implemented as of March 9, 2021.


All legislative steps have been taken and the EECC is now fully implemented.

The law provides for a number of changes on emergency calling requirements, competition and network requirements and consumer protection measures.

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Current status: Implemented as of July 12, 2022.


Electronic Communications Act (OG 76/22)

The new act will enable the accelerated development of electronic communications networks that will ensure the necessary connectivity and availability of very high-capacity networks, including fixed, mobile and wireless networks, and their use by all citizens and entrepreneurs. Further development of competition is also expected, both in the field of infrastructure and services, through securing conditions for new investments in electronic communications networks and services.

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Current status: Implemented as of March 4, 2022.


The Law on Regulation of Electronic Communications of 2022 is the main piece of legislation transposing the directive, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Cyprus on March 4, 2022.

An additional two pieces of legislation have been passed, amending the Regulation of Electronic Communications and Postal Services Law and the Radiocommunications Law, which will essentially now be covered by the Law on the Regulation of Electronic Communications of 2022.

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Czech Republic

Current status: Fully adopted.


Amendments to Act No. 127/2005

On October 19, 2021, the Czech government published an amendment to the telecommunications law to improve competition in the market and the use of radio spectrum, reflecting technological innovations and development of broadband networks, and the protection of electronic communication services users.

The amendment implemented the EECC and, alongside making the aforementioned changes, it also affected  the definition of terms, including electronic communication services, emergency calls and data retention.

Other relevant legislation:

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Current status: Implemented as of December 8, 2020.


Act to amend the Electronic Communications Networks and Services Act, the Radio Frequencies Act and various other Acts

Decree on end-user rights in the telecommunications area

The issues now covered by Danish law include:

  • Number-independent interpersonal communications services
  • Stronger consumer protection ensuring transparency and support for consumer choice
  • Stimulating investment incentives for companies in digital infrastructure through increased competition and greater predictability of the regulation
  • Promoting the roll-out of digital infrastructure, including easier access to establish wireless access points with limited range for use of, among others, 5G networks

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Current status: Entered into force February 1, 2022 unless detailed below.


Electronic Communications Act, the Building Code and State Fees Act Amendment Act

The act Amending the Electronic Communications Act, the Building Code and the State Fees Act 437 SE transposes the EECC, into Estonian law.

The entry into force of the act varies, as follows:

  • Clauses 29, 31, 32, 35, 36, 43, 45 and 46 of this act entered into force on March 1, 2022
  • ·§2 of this act entered into force on April 1, 2022
  • Clause 120 of §1 of this act enters into force on June 28, 2025
  • Clause 108 of §1 of this act enters into force on January 1, 2028

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Current status: Implemented as of January 1, 2021.


Reform of the Act on Electronic Communication Services

This has fully implemented the EECC into Finnish law.

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Current status: Implemented as of May 26, 2021.


Transposition of the European Electronic Communications Code

The EECC is fully implemented in France. Changes include:

  • The definition of electronic communication services is broadened/made more specific to include services, such as over-the-top (OTT) services, machine-to-machine (M2M) services, etc.
  • Some of the obligations imposed on electronic communication operators are modified, e.g., prior notification to the French telco regulator, ARCEP, is no longer required
  • Deployment of high-capacity networks is facilitated
  • Rules related to national emergency service are modified, callers geo-tracking, “reverse” notification
  • Access and interconnection rules are strengthened
  • New ex ante regulatory obligations apply to operators having significant market power on a given market (under the joint control of ARCEP and the French competition authority)
  • Rules related to the assignment of radio spectrum numbering have been adjusted to optimize the use of spectrum bands and to facilitate the development of new service offers such as the internet of things (IoT)

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Current status: Implemented as of December 1, 2021.


Telekommunikationsmodernisierungsgesetz (TKMoG)

The TKMoG transposes the EECC into national law. It became effective from January 12, 2021.

The act removes obstacles to the expansion of mobile and cable-based telecommunications networks, to create legal and investment security, to ensure the nationwide provision of telecommunications services and to provide incentives for the expansion of fiber-optic networks.

Some of the changes include:

  • The scope of application will include all enterprises or persons operating telecommunications networks or telecommunications installations or providing telecommunications services within the scope of the act, as well as other persons entitled and obliged under the act – this is true even if there are no registered offices in Germany
  • The definition of “telecommunications service” is extended to include:
  1. Internet access services
  2. Interpersonal telecommunications services
  3. Services that consist wholly or mainly of the transmission of signals, such as transmission services used for machine-to-machine communications and for broadcasting
  4. However, number-independent interpersonal telecommunications services are exempt from the notification requirement

  • Provider switching and number portability shall be carried out under the direction of the acquiring provider
  • A statutory entitlement to be provided with a high-speed internet access service is introduced for end users under the new rules

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Current status: Implemented as of September 23, 2020.


Digital Governance (Transposition to the Greek Legislation of Directive (EU) 2016/2102)

Electronic Communications (Transposition to the Greek Law of Directive (EU) 2018/1972 and other provisions

The law classifies the legislation on digital governance, updating the relevant provisions and transposing Directive 2018/1972 EU.

Additionally, it replaces, to an extent, law 4070/2012, and defines the competence of the Ministry of Digital Governance and the Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT), as well as the Hellenic Authority for Communication Security and Privacy. The G-Cloud (public sector), the RE-Cloud (research sector) and the H-Cloud (health sector) are updated and reinforced while the cloud first policy principle is implemented.

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Current status: Implemented as of December 21, 2020.


Electronic Communications Act (Act LXXXV of 2020 amending Act C of 2003 on electronic communications as regards the obligation to transpose the directive establishing the European Electronic Communications Code).

The EECC has been fully implemented into Hungarian law.

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Current status: Implemented as of September 1, 2022.


All legislative steps have been taken and the EECC is now fully implemented.

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Current status: Implemented as of November 30, 2023.


All legislative steps have been taken and the EECC is now fully implemented.

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Current status: Implemented as of December 24, 2021.


Italian Electronic Communications Code establishing the EECC announced as a Legislative Decree.

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Current status: Implemented on January 10, 2023.


National Radio Frequency Plans

The rules determine:

  • Distribution of radio frequency spectrum bands for radio communication types and classification of radio communication systems
  • General conditions for the use of radio frequencies and radio frequency spectrum bands, including:
    • Radio interfaces
    • Permission to use a shared radio-frequency allocation

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Current status: Undefined.


The EECC has been incorporated into the European Economic Area (EEA) Agreement and the transposition obligation has started. It is expected that the bill for the Electronic Communications Code will be presented to parliament in the fall 2022.

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Current status: Implemented as of December 1, 2021.


Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Electronic Communications No. Act Amending IX-2135

The law transposes the EECC into the Lithuanian national law. The communications regulatory authority, Rysiu Reguliavimo Tarnyba (RRT), summarizes the key changes as follows:

  • The broader definition of an “electronic communications service” is now broken down as follows:
    • Internet access services
    • Interpersonal communication services
    • Services consisting mainly of signal transmission
  • Changes to radio spectrum management, by way of an EU-wide harmonization of the allocation and use of spectrum. There is also a longer period of validity (20 years) for authorizations to use EU-wide harmonized spectrum.
  • In terms of access to ultra-high bandwidth networks, operators will be encouraged to co-invest in high-bandwidth public communications networks (both fixed and mobile), thus sharing business risk. An operator with significant market power (SMP) will be able to co-invest in the construction of new networks under clear and transparent conditions.
  • The RRT will be required to conduct market research every five years, instead of three as before, to ensure the consistency of the regulatory environment and reduce the administrative burden.
  • The scope of universal electronic communications services has been revised and the obligation to provide telephone services via payphones will be abolished, but the obligation to provide affordable universal e-communications services to certain groups of consumers will be introduced.
  • Favorable changes to ensure the protection of consumer interests. The adoption of legislation implementing this law will make it simpler and easier to change service provider for consumers using both interpersonal communications and internet access services.

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Current status: Implemented as of December 26, 2021.


Law of 17 December 2021 transposing Directive (EU) 2018/1972  of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018, establishing the European Electronic Communications Code and amending the amended law of 30 May 2005 on:

(1) Organization of the Luxembourg Regulatory Institute

(2) Modification of the amended law of 22 June 1963 establishing the salary system for civil servants

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Current status: Legislation has been passed to implement the EECC.


Communications Laws (Amendment No. 2) Act, 2021(Act No. LII of 2021)

Malta has now passed legislation to adopt the EECC through various new regulations and laws. Most of Malta’s existing telecommunications regime will be amended to transpose the EECC.

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Current status: Implemented as of March 1, 2022.


Decision of 24 February 2022 amending various orders in council with regard to the implementation of Directive (EU) 2018/1972.

Essentially, all EECC implementation act provisions have entered into force, except for some limited e-privacy-related provisions. Amendments of certain subordinate legislation to implement the EECC are also now in force including:

  • Expansion of telecom regulation to number-independent interpersonal communications services
  • Framework for access and interconnection on a wholesale level
  • Access remedies for providers with significant market power
  • Universal service obligations
  • Number portability rules
  • Information requirements for consumers, including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
  • Information requirements for all end-users
  • Extension of requirements to bundled offers
  • Equivalent access for end-users with disabilities
  • Access to the European emergency number

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Current status: Implemented as of January 1, 2025.


The EECC has been incorporated into the European Economic Area (EEA) Agreement and the transposition is completed. The new Ecom Act was approved by the Norwegian Parliament in November 2024 and entered into force on January 1, 2025.

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Current status: Implemented on July 12, 2024.


The Electronic Communications Act was adopted by Polish parliament. According to the assumption, the Act should implement the EECC into the Polish law. However, it will enter into force (excluding some articles) on November 10, 2024.

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Current status: Implemented on August 16, 2022.


Electronic Communications Law

The new legislation maintains the framework of competences of the national regulatory authority (ANACOM), without prejudice to the involvement of various other public administration actors, such as the government, autonomous regions or local authorities.

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Current status: Implemented as of July 10, 2022.


Law No. 198/2022

The legislation amends and supplements certain regulatory acts in the electronic communications sector and establishes certain measures to facilitate the development of electronic communications networks.

It broadens the scope of application of the rules in the electronic communications sector by extending the definition of the electronic communications services (ECS) to cover number-independent interpersonal communications services, among others. This category may cover certain activities carried out by email providers, internet calls and instant messaging through different platform providers, as well as other OTT services providers.

This has several practical implications, including the fact that the electronic communications-related requirements will be imposed on the new categories of ECS providers that now fall within the scope of the legislation.

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Current status: Implemented as of February 1, 2022.

Certain provisions in the act enter into force on different dates:

84 para. 12, § 88, 89 and § 116 par. 12, enters into force August 1, 2022.

116 par. 7 to 10, enters into force November 1, 2022.


Electronic Communications Act No. 452/2021

The new law regulates the following topics:

  • Authorization to provide networks or services
  • Network operation
  • Frequency and number management
  • Access and interconnection
  • Competition
  • Provision of services
  • Security and integrity of public networks and services
  • Protection of privacy and personal data
  • Provision of subsidies in the electronic communications sector
  • Supervision by the office of public regulated services
  • Sanctions

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Current status: Implemented on October 11, 2022.


Electronic Communications Act (ZEKom-2)

The act regulates powers, the organization and operation of the Agency for Communication Networks and Services of the Republic of Slovenia as the independent regulatory body and the powers of other bodies performing tasks under this act, as well as other issues related to electronic communications. The act covers:

  • General provisions
  • Terms for providing electronic communication networks and services
  • Building networks and associated infrastructure and promoting connectivity
  • Disposal and limitations of title
  • Radio frequency spectrum management
  • Digital broadcasting
  • Managing the elements of numbering
  • Security of networks and services and operation in threat conditions
  • Ensuring competition
  • Universal service and additional mandatory services
  • Rights of users
  • Processing of personal data and privacy protection of electronic communications
  • Agency
  • Conflict resolution
  • Control
  • Electronic communications council
  • Penal provisions

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Current status: Implemented as of June 28, 2022.


Act 11/2022, of 28 June 2022, on General Telecommunications

The new act introduces new developments of interest to the telecommunications sector, including a new classification of electronic communications services, the creation of a single point for information and processing of permits for the deployment of networks, the strengthening of users’ rights, and the optimization of the processing of the general operators fee.

The act’s main objective is to promote investment in very high-capacity networks. Important changes are introduced in the public radioelectric domain, incorporating measures to facilitate the shared use of the radioelectric spectrum by operators and avoiding undue restrictions on the implementation of wireless access points for small areas. The act also incorporates advances in the protection of the rights of end-users of telecommunications services.

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Current status: Implemented as of June 3, 2022.


New Electronic Communications Act (2022:482) on electronic communication

Ordinance (2022:511) on electronic communications

The new act introduces new and detailed rules regarding the information that shall be provided to end-users before entering into an agreement. The Post and Telecom Authority is additionally provided the power to impose penalty fees for certain types of violations. The penalty fee shall be set at a minimum of SEK5,000 and a maximum of SEK10 million.

Many of the provisions in the new act correspond to those of the former Electronic Communications Act. However, the following amendments are of interest:

  • Number-independent interpersonal communications services, such as email and messaging services, are covered by the new act
  • An obligation for providers of publicly available electronic communications services to provide a contract summary before entering into an agreement with a consumer
  • Obligations regarding bundles

Further, a new Electronic Communications Ordinance and a number of new regulations from the Post and Telecom Authority entered into force on June 3, 2022.

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Current status: Partially implemented excepting certain end-user rights requirements.


The Electronic Communications and Wireless Telegraphy (Amendment) (European Electronic Communications Code and EU Exit) Regulations 2020

Provisions within the legislation include:

  • Mobile providers banned from selling locked mobile devices
  • Extended rules on accessibility for disabled customers
  • New rules for bundles, including other services or equipment sold with a communication service
  • Better contract information and stronger termination rights

In addition to this statutory instrument, Ofcom’s General Conditions had to be taken into account, as the more granular requirements outlined in the EECC are enforced through these conditions.

Improved switching processes for landline, broadband and mobile provisions have been proposed for April 2023.

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Our Solutions

The EECC Compliance Solution outsources your compliance with the EECC notification and registration requirements across the whole EEA for an annual fixed fee. We do it all and track it for you, saving you time and money.

Our Digital Communications Market Access Tool (DCMAT) allows you to identify the risk of whether the launch of a new service/app or its expansion in a new market might require a licence or general authorisation in 75 jurisdictions worldwide. This tool is available on a free trial basis.