Elizabeth Ryan is a partner in the global Public Policy Practice, where she advises clients confronting complex regulatory and policy issues in the world’s capital cities. In a climate of heightened enforcement of US laws abroad, Elizabeth counsels multinational corporations, financial institutions and governmental entities on the constantly changing cross-border regulatory environment. Elizabeth has advised on matters in more than 20 countries and manages teams of professionals across the globe in proceedings initiated by US executive agencies, the US Congress, the United Nations, the International Labour Organization and the European Commission.

Elizabeth regularly advises clients on integrated US-European policy and legislative strategies, international education initiatives, international sanctions and trade policies, corporate compliance programs, asset recovery and investigations by US regulators. A former adviser in the US Congress, Elizabeth leverages her political acumen and strong grasp of the legislative and regulatory processes to help clients interpret and navigate complex legal challenges.

Repeatedly recognized for her work, Elizabeth was selected as a 2019 “Women Worth Watching” by Profiles in Diversity Journal, recognized as one of Washington DC’s Rising Stars by the National Law Journal and named to a list of the region’s top “40 Under 40” lawyers by Legal BisNow. On the international level, Elizabeth was selected by the United Nations as an emerging leader fellow for the Middle East and North Africa and accepted to the University of Oxford/GW law program on corporate responsibility and human rights.

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  • George Mason University School of Law, J.D.
  • University of Virginia, B.A.
  • The University of Oxford/GW, United Kingdom, International Human Rights Programme


  • District of Columbia, 2006
  • Maryland, 2005

  • “Women Worth Watching”, Profiles in Diversity Journal, 2019
  • Washington DC Rising Stars, The National Law Journal, 2015
  • Washington DC 40 Under 40, Legal BisNow, 2015
  • United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Fellow, 2012

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