Charles (“Chip”) Rosenberg is a partner in the International Dispute Resolution Practice. He is a specialist in public international law and international arbitration, focusing on both investment treaty arbitration and international commercial arbitration. He has significant experience representing clients in ICSID, UNCITRAL, ICC, SCC, NAFTA and ECT arbitrations. Chip also specializes in US and international enforcement of court judgments and arbitral awards.

Chip has created and taught seminars on investment treaty arbitration, international commercial arbitration and international investment law at the American University Washington College of Law in Washington DC and The Hague University of Applied Sciences in The Hague, Netherlands.

Prior to joining the firm, Chip spent two years clerking for The Honorable Charles N. Brower, who was ranked the “world’s busiest arbitrator” by The American Lawyer in terms of large investment treaty and international commercial arbitrations, in London, and at the Iran-US Claims Tribunal in The Hague. As a law clerk, he also served as tribunal secretary in multiple ICC arbitrations.

Chip was recognized as a Global Thought Leader by Who’s Who Legal: Arbitration 2023, due to his “vast expertise and experience advising on some of the world’s most significant and cutting-edge legal matters,” as well as his “ability to innovate, inspire, and go above and beyond to deliver for [his] clients.” He previously had repeatedly been recognized as a Future Leader by Who’s Who Legal: Arbitration 2017-2022, which focuses on selecting outstanding lawyers aged 45 or under. In its 2022 edition, Chip was named one of the eight Most Highly Regarded non-partners in the Americas, with published client and peer interviews confirming that Chip “has an ambitious outlook and works hard to win and deliver results for his clients,” and is commended for his “intellect and original approach to arbitration issues,” as well as his “encyclopedic knowledge of investor-state disputes.” In its 2021 edition, Chip was described as a “very talented, collaborative and responsive lawyer” who is considered to be “a true heavyweight in the arbitration arena” thanks to his “remarkable experience in international investment disputes.” In its 2019 edition, he was recognized as “‘a brilliant writer and tactician’ who peers note ‘really gets it’ when it comes to complex arbitration proceedings and is ‘one to watch.’”

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  • Represented a Turkish subcontractor in an ICDR arbitration against a US contractor under US law.
  • Represented a Turkish contractor in an ICC arbitration against a Chinese contractor under Swiss law.


  • Represented the Republic of Turkey in an ICSID arbitration brought by Alamos Gold Holdings Coöperatief U.A. and Alamos Gold Holdings B.V. under the Netherlands-Turkey BIT.
  • Represented SL Mining Limited in an ICC emergency arbitrator proceeding and an ICC arbitration against the government of Sierra Leone.
  • Represented Gerald International Limited in an ICSID arbitration against Sierra Leone under the UK-Sierra Leone BIT.
  • Represented the Republic of Turkey in an ICSID arbitration brought by Westwater Resources under the US-Turkey BIT.
  • Represented Gabriel Resources Ltd. and Gabriel Resources (Jersey) in an ICSID arbitration against Romania under the Canada-Romania BIT and UK-Romania BIT.
  • Represented Prenay Agarwal, Vinita Agarwal and Ritika Mehta in an UNCITRAL arbitration against the Oriental Republic of Uruguay under the UK-Uruguay BIT.
  • Represented the Republic of Uzbekistan in an UNCITRAL arbitration brought by Oxus Gold plc under the UK-Uzbekistan BIT.

Energy and Utilities

  • Represented LSG Building Solutions GmbH and others in an ICSID arbitration against Romania under the Energy Charter Treaty.
  • Represented the Republic of Bulgaria in an ICSID arbitration brought by Novera AD, Novera Properties B.V. and Novera Properties N.V. under the Netherlands-Bulgaria BIT.
  • Represented the Republic of Bulgaria in an ICSID arbitration brought by EVN AG under the Austria-Bulgaria BIT and Energy Charter Treaty.

Real Estate

  • Represented Amerra Capital Management LLC and others in an ICSID arbitration against Mexico under the NAFTA and USMCA.
  • Represented International Holding Project Group and others in an ICSID arbitration against the Arab Republic of Egypt under the Kuwait-Egypt BIT.


  • Represented victims of terrorism in enforcing their multibillion-dollar judgment in the US against a Latin American state.
  • Represented a Singaporean company in enforcing its multimillion-dollar judgment in Luxembourg against a Latin American state.
  • Represented an Italian company in enforcing its multimillion-dollar ICSID award in the US against a Latin American state.
  • Represented a US company in enforcing its multimillion-dollar ICC award in the US against a Latin American state.
  • Advised a US company on the enforcement of an Argentinian judgment in the US.


  • American University, Washington College of Law, J.D., first in class, summa cum laude, Order of the Coif, 2008
  • University of Maryland College Park, B.S., cum laude, 2003


  • District of Columbia, 2009
  • New York, 2009

Memberships & Affiliations

  • Co-editor-in-chief, ITA in Review, 2018-present
  • Member, Panel of Arbitrators, Energy Disputes Arbitration Center, 2023-present
  • Vice chair, International Dispute Resolution Section, DC Bar, 2020-present
  • Co-chair, DC Chapter, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, North America Branch, 2022-2024
  • Who’s Who Legal: Arbitration 2024-2025
  • Global Thought Leader, Who’s Who Legal: Arbitration 2023
  • Distinguished Alumni Award, American University Washington College of Law, International Trade & Investment Law Society, 2021
  • Future Leader, Who’s Who Legal: Arbitration 2017-2022

  • Co-author, “A Dynamic Investment Landscape: Türkiye’s Shifting Bilateral Investment Treaty Program,” Transnational Dispute Management, May 2024.
  • Co-author, “Mongolia: Investment Related Developments in the Mining Sector,” Kluwer Arbitration Blog, March 2024.
  • Co-author, “Third-Party Funding: A Tool to Deter Investor Misconduct?” ITA in Review, September 2023.
  • Co-author, “Where East Meets West: An Overview of Türkiye’s BIT Program,” Kluwer Arbitration Blog, August 2023.
  • Co-author, “Israel: The Land of Milk and Honey … and FDI: An Overview of Israel’s International Investment Agreement Program,” Kluwer Arbitration Blog, January 2023.
  • Co-author, “Looking to the Past for the Future: International Investment Law as a Framework to Protect Private Actors in Outer Space,” ITA in Review, February 2022.
  • Co-author, “The 10 Year Anniversary of the PCA Outer Space Rules: A Failed Mission or The Next Generation?” Kluwer Arbitration Blog, February 2021.
  • Co-author, “An Overview of Chile’s International Investment Agreement Program,” Kluwer Arbitration Blog, July 2019.
  • Co-author, “The Adverse Inference in ICSID Practice,” ICSID Review – Foreign Investment Law Journal, August 2015.
  • Author, “To Use a Cannon to Kill a Mosquito: Why the Increase in Arbitrator Challenges in Investment Arbitration Does Not Warrant a Complete Overhaul of the System,” Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law – Vol. 8, March 2015.
  • Co-author, “Expecting the Unexpected: The Force Majeure Clause,” Business Law International Vol. 16, No. 1, January 2015.
  • Co-author, “The Ebola Epidemic and Force Majeure: Expecting the Unexpected,” Alternatives to the High Cost of Litigation Vol. 32, No. 11, December 2014.
  • Co-author, “International Development Loans and Non-Compliance with Investment Arbitration Awards,” A Revolution in the International Rule of Law: Essays in Honor of Don Wallace, Jr., October 2014.
  • Co-author, “The Role of the Tribunal Secretary in International Arbitration: A Call for a Uniform Standard Dispute Resolution International” – Recipient of the Outstanding Professional Article award by the International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution for article published “that advance[s] understanding in the field of ADR,” October 2014.
  • Author, “The Intersection of International Trade and International Arbitration: Suspending Trade Benefits to ‘Encourage’ Compliance with ICSID Awards,” Transnational Dispute Management Vol. 3, July 2014.
  • Co-author, “LATIN AMERICA: The intersection of investment and trade,” Global Arbitration Review, June 2014.
  • Co-author, “The Hidden Tool in a Foreign Investor’s Toolbox: The Trade Preference Program as a ‘Carrot and Stick’ to Secure Compliance with International Law Obligations,” Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business Vol. 34, No. 1, March 2014.
  • Co-author, “Leveraging the Trade Preference Program to Secure a State’s Compliance with International Law Obligations,” Journal of World Investment & Trade Vol. 14, No. 6, November 2013.
  • Author, “Karel Daele’s Challenge and Disqualification of Arbitrators in International Arbitration,” Arbitration International Vol. 29, No. 1, (book review), 2013.
  • Co-author, “So Is There Anything Really Wrong With International Arbitration as We Know It?” Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation: The Fordham Papers 2012, 2013.
  • Co-author, “The Death of the Two-Headed Nightingale: Why the Paulsson – Van den Berg Presumption that Party-Appointed Arbitrators are Untrustworthy is Wrongheaded,” Arbitration International Vol. 29, No. 1, 2013.
  • Author, “The Intersection of International Trade and International Arbitration: The Use of Trade Benefits to Secure Compliance with Arbitral Awards,” Georgetown Journal of International Law Vol. 44, No. 2, 2013.

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