Robert Radigan is a partner in our Public & Infrastructure Finance group focusing on federal income tax matters relating to issues of municipal finance. He has experience in a broad range of tax-exempt financings for governmental and private-activity bond issuers, including governmental general obligation and revenue bonds, qualified 501(c)(3) bonds, qualified mortgage revenue bonds and exempt facility bonds.

Robert has advised single-family and multifamily housing authority issuers and non-profit organizations, including primary, secondary and higher education facilities, charter schools, hospitals and healthcare facilities, senior living facilities and social service organizations, in tax-exempt bond transactions involving pooled financings, current and advance refundings, new money capital projects, volume cap recycling and arbitrage rebate and yield restriction matters.

Prior to joining our firm, Robert was an attorney for a nationally ranked public finance law firm in its New York office.

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  • New York University School of Law, LL.M., Taxation, 2012
  • Cornell Law School, J.D., 2011
  • University of California, San Diego, B.A., Applied Mathematics, 2003


  • New York, 2014
  • California, 2012
February 19
IRS Releases Latest Management Contract Private Letter Ruling Public Finance Tax
January 10
Final Reissuance Regulations Released (Finally) Public Finance Tax
March 19
How To Protect Against Harmful SLGS This Spring Public Finance Tax
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