Amanda Price is an experienced litigator and strategic advisor, effective in successfully litigating high-stakes legal matters. She has 15 years of experience representing clients in Texas and across the US in complex commercial disputes in the energy, healthcare and construction industries. Amanda has comprehensive experience handling all phases of litigation, from prelitigation advocacy through dispositive motions and trial. Amanda manages every case with an eye towards trial, consistently achieving favorable outcomes for clients through aggressive representation and meticulous attention to detail.

Amanda further serves as the Houston office’s hiring partner.

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  • Successfully defended a client in a three-week “bet-the-company” jury trial in a Texas state court against breach of contract, trade secret misappropriation, and other claims arising from a failed natural gas storage project.
  • Favorably resolved a significant oil and gas dispute for a major energy company, involving a novel “confusion of goods” theory relating to the client’s gathering system and joint operating agreement claims.
  • Member of a trial team that obtained favorable jury verdicts on behalf of an energy client in two trials in a multidistrict toxic chemical emissions litigation in which more than US$1 billion was at stake in each trial.
  • Recovered millions of dollars for a manufacturing client in a dispute over a multiyear purchase agreement for high-pressure hydraulic fracturing pumps.
  • Reached a favorable settlement for a client in statewide royalty class action litigation.
  • Favorably resolved a complex healthcare payer/provider dispute during final arbitration hearing, while protecting a key business relationship for the client.
  • Represented a major healthcare insurer in litigations stemming from bid protests.
  • On behalf of a national managed care entity, secured dismissal of contracting claims brought by an independent physician association.
  • Recovered millions of dollars for general contractor in a payment dispute with a major utility.
  • Successfully resolved construction mechanics’ lien claims on behalf of a property owner.


  • Southern Methodist University, J.D., cum laude, editorial staff, SMU Law Review, 2010
  • The University of Texas at Austin, B.B.A., 2007


  • Florida, 2011
  • Texas, 2010


  • U.S. Dist. Ct., E. Dist. of Texas
  • U.S. Dist. Ct., N. Dist. of Texas
  • U.S. Dist. Ct., S. Dist. of Texas
  • U.S. Dist. Ct., W. Dist. of Texas
  • U.S. Ct. of App., Fifth Circuit
  • U.S. Ct. of App., Third Circuit

Memberships & Affiliations

  • Member of the Construction Law, Litigation, and Oil, Gas & Energy Resources Law sections of the State Bar of Texas
  • Member of the Litigation, and Oil, Gas and Mineral Law sections of the Houston Bar Association
  • Recognized by Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch in America 2025 for Commercial Litigation

  • Co-author, “The Dangers of Overlooking the ‘Miscellaneous’ Section of the Contract,” The Energy Law Advisor.
  • Author, “Casenote: Fourth Amendment – Search and Seizure,” SMU Law Review, Spring 2009 (62 SMU L. Rev. 805 (2009)); received SMU Law Review 2009 Best Casenote Award.

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