Petrina Hall McDaniel is the office managing partner of the firm’s Atlanta office, co-leader of the Class Action & Multidistrict Litigation Practice, and vice chair of the firm’s global Women’s Affinity Network. Petrina is a Chambers-ranked litigator specializing in high-stakes commercial cases and class action defense, including defending consumer and privacy class actions, with potential billions in exposure in state and federal courts across the country, including appellate and arbitration fora. Clients describe Petrina as a “phenomenal” lawyer who is “innovative in the legal arguments she makes while also giving real practical solutions to business problems.” Petrina’s record of accomplishment of securing dismissal of individual and class claims and negotiating favorable settlements has earned her recognition by Chambers USA (TCPA Class Actions Band 1), Best Lawyers in America (2020-2025) and as a six-time Super Lawyers honoree in Business Litigation and Class Action Defense. In an issue of first impression in the Eleventh Circuit, Petrina secured a first-in-nation ruling, creating precedent-setting law.

Petrina represents a diverse client base ranging from retail to insurance, automotive, telecommunications and technology companies, to healthcare and higher education institutions, among others. She has successfully defended clients in consumer class actions, unfair business practices, fraud cases, contract disputes, business torts and regulatory investigations. Known for her innovative legal arguments and practical business solutions, Petrina has built a nationally recognized defense litigation practice under the TCPA, and regularly serves as lead defense counsel in individual and class action litigation across the country, including in Georgia, California, Florida, Texas, Arizona, Illinois, Ohio, Missouri, Maryland, Virginia, Minnesota and other states.

As a thought partner to her clients, Petrina advises leading retailers and consumer-facing companies on cutting-edge privacy and consumer protection issues, helping them navigate compliance with the evolving patchwork of federal privacy and consumer protection laws and their state analogs. Her expertise in statutes such as the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (Wiretap Act), the California Invasion of Privacy Act (CIPA), the Communications Decency Act (CDA), the Video Privacy Protection Act (VPPA), the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), and CAN-SPAM, among others, helps clients proactively mitigate risk and strengthen their defense against potential claims.

Petrina also has extensive experience drafting and enforcing consumer arbitration provisions, privacy policies and terms of use, as well as advising on consumer-facing marketing strategies in compliance with regulations promulgated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). As an accomplished author and speaker, Petrina has published over 50 articles and delivered numerous presentations on consumer protection and privacy issues, establishing herself as a thought leader and go-to resource for her clients.

In addition to litigation, Petrina has successfully defended numerous clients in investigations by states’ attorneys general and regulating agencies asserting unfair and deceptive practices claims. She has first chaired an administrative trial and has coordinated responses to civil investigative demands (CIDs), subpoenas and other investigatory inquiries.

In recognition of her professional excellence, Petrina has been honored as a 2024 “Woman of Influence” by the Atlanta Business Chronicle, one of America’s Top 100 High Stakes Litigators, the American City Business Journal’s BizWoman Headliner, The Best Lawyers in America’s 2025 Privacy and Data Security Law expert, the Atlanta Business Chronicles’ 2018 40 Under 40, Georgia State University Alumni Association’s 2018 40 Under 40, and one of 30 top Georgia lawyers On the Rise by The Daily Report in 2017. The Atlanta Tribune named her a Superwoman in 2017.

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  • Successfully compelled putatutive TCPA class action to arbitration by enforcement of retailer’s terms and conditions. Plaintiff did not appeal or pursue claims in arbitration.
  • On behalf of a global insurer, successfully resolved a putative class action alleging violations of CIPA, the California constitution, and other privacy claims. Resolved suit at early stage.
  • Successfully resolved putative class action for technology client alleging violations under the VPPA.
  • Representing various clients in retail and technology sectors in JAMS and AAA arbitrations alleging violations of the Wiretap Act, CIPA, and other state claims.
  • Representing scores of clients in TCPA putative class actions, alleging violations for pre-recorded calls and DNC violations.
  • Achieved a first-in-nation ruling on defense of Article III standing, where the court dismissed TCPA junk fax suit on summary judgment, Daisy, Inc. v. Mobile Mini, Case No.: 2:20-cv-17-FtM-38MRM, 2020 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 175536 (M.D. Fl. September 24, 2020). Appeal to Eleventh Circuit dismissed.
  • Representing insurance clients in multiple class action relating to cancellations under travel policies due to COVID-19 orders and regulations.
  • Advising clients on operational and insurance-related issues arising from the COVID-19 pandemic and patchwork of state and municipal orders.
  • Earned a stay of proceedings in favor of a health insurer, pending Supreme Court ruling in Facebook v. Duguid.
  • Secured dismissal of a putative TCPA class action before a responsive pleadings deadline.
  • Resolved a putative consumer fraud class action with the court dismissing pled claims of breach of contract, fraud and unfair business practices claims against a nation’s largest auctioneer of used vehicles.
  • Obtained a dismissal of bet-the-company litigation involving claims of breach of contract, breach of the implied, covenant of good faith and fair dealing, promissory estoppel and unjust enrichment.
  • Secured a favorable settlement of commercial litigation after the court dismissed claims for unjust enrichment and conversion against a telecommunications provider.
  • Successfully argued motion to compel allowing an offensive discovery against a putative class representative and ordering the production of personal electronic devices to prove evidence of consent.
  • Successfully resolved through a class action settlement claims brought against a telecommunications company in the District Court of Arizona involving reassigned and “wrong number” allegations.
  • Favorably settling a putative nationwide TCPA class action on an individual basis on behalf of an insurance company in the Northern District of Georgia stemming from allegations of vicarious liability and purported violations of the Do Not Call registry.
  • Led a team that defended a nonprime credit provider in a TCPA class action brought in a Georgia state court, resulting in a voluntary dismissal with prejudice after removal to the Northern District of Georgia.
  • Favorably resolving a dispute with a vendor involving contractual indemnity claims arising under the TCPA, with potential liability exceeding US$280 million.
  • Favorably settling, on an individual basis, a TCPA class action filed against the nation’s largest retail jewelry chain in the Northern District of Georgia.
  • Secured a voluntary dismissal with prejudice in an action against a nonprime credit provider alleging violations under the TCPA and the Electronic Funds Transfer Act in Missouri state court.
  • Represented the world's largest airline against alleged violations of the TCPA through unsolicited text messages in the District of Minnesota.
  • Represented a national apparel chain in a putative class action for alleged violations of the TCPA in the Southern District of Indiana.
  • Advised client on data breach reporting obligations where customer PII was inadvertently sent to a third-party vendor; coordinated notification protocol with forensics vendor to affected customers and state regulators.
  • Advised clients on all aspects of data collection, usage, sharing, management, protection and disposal, including negotiating third-party vendor agreements.
  • Advised clients on information security and privacy policies, including drafting privacy notices and online privacy statements.
  • Obtained a monetary recovery on behalf of a commercial airline in a breach of contract case, after successfully moving to dismiss the case in chief and realigning the client as plaintiff.
  • First-chaired an administrative trial that led to a reversal of the administrative law judge’s recommendation from the Office of State Administrative Hearings, ruling that a political candidate was a qualified candidate for a seat in the Georgia House of Representative.
  • Earned dismissal of claims brought by the American Civil Liberties Union in a putative class action and successfully resolved claims with a local school district on behalf of the operator of a district-sponsored alternative school.
  • Obtained a monetary recovery on a counterclaim on behalf of a national builder of military housing in connection with a dispute at one of the nation's foremost military academies.
  • Successfully negotiated a favorable settlement on behalf of a municipal government by modifying a federal injunction enjoining a local disadvantaged business enterprise program.
  • Successfully obtained a consent permanent injunction against a former employee of a global engineering company for violations of the Georgia Trade Secrets Act and breach of contract.
  • Successfully represented a wireless telecommunications provider in various putative class actions involving claims of false advertising and billing issues.
  • Successfully obtained injunctive relief and payments from telemarketers, spammers and spoofers.
  • Successfully obtained a US$1.135 million judgment against a "data broker" for improperly obtaining cell phone call records.


  • Georgia State University, College of Law, J.D.
  • Georgia State University, B.A., summa cum laude


  • Georgia, 2004


  • Supreme Court of Georgia
  • Ct. of App., Georgia
  • U.S. Ct. of App., Fifth Circuit
  • U.S. Dist. Ct., N. Dist. of Georgia
  • U.S. Dist. Ct., Dist. of Colorado
  • U.S. Dist. Ct., E. Dist. of Michigan

Petrina believes it is her professional responsibility to ensure the legal profession is reflective of the world in which we live and practice. She is a member of the firm’s task forces committed to the advancement of women, African-Americans and other diverse professionals. Petrina is also a Diversity Champion for the firm’s African-American Resource Group, and serves on the Squire Patton Boggs’ Foundation, which promotes the role of public service and pro bono work in the practice of law and the development of public policy.

Petrina has received widespread recognition for her professional and charitable leadership. She has participated in numerous leadership programs, including INSEAD Global Executive Leadership Development Program, LEAD Atlanta, the Georgia Association of Women Lawyers Leadership Academy, and the Emerging Leaders Retreat sponsored by the Atlanta-Black Jewish Coalition.

Petrina currently serves on the Board of the Atlanta Volunteers Lawyers Foundation (AVLF). She also volunteers with the Pro Bono Partnership of Atlanta, and previously served as pro bono counsel for CARE USA, where she worked with the legal department to address organizational data privacy and cybersecurity risks.

A supporter and advocate of education, Petrina endows the “WorkWise Scholars Award” and “Empowering Excellence Scholarship Award” on behalf of the Georgia State University College of Law and Honors College, respectively, which recognizes top-performing, first-generational college students. Petrina also co-founded the R.E.A.C.H. Scholarship Award, a scholarship service she created for the benefit of high school students graduating from her alma mater, which she managed for more than 18 years.


  • Co-author, “Navigating the Mass Arbitration Minefield,”, October 10, 2024.
  • Panelist, 2024 IAPP Panel, “Navigating the Latest in Litigation and Marketing Privacy,” September 12, 2024.
  • Co-author, “The Proper and Practical Application of Bristol-Myers Squibb to Class Actions,” Daily Report, October 20, 2023
  • Co-author, “Eleventh Circuit’s Dramatic Shift on Article III Standing Reshapes Landscape for Class Actions,” Daily Report, September 21, 2023.
  • Co-author, “Navigating Class-Action Exposure in Session Replay and Chatbot Litigation,” Daily Report, August 2023.
  • Co-author, “The Unknown Future of Class Representative Awards,” Daily Report, July 2023.
  • Co-author, “Artificial Intelligence Litigation: The Next Class Action Boom on the Horizon,”, May 16, 2023.
  • Co-author, “ESG Enforcement Risks: From ‘Greenwashing’ to ‘Wokewashing’,” ACC Docket, July 19, 2022.
  • Co-author, “Lack of Uniformity in ESG Ratings System Poses Risks, Opportunities,” Bloomberg Law, May 16, 2022.
  • Co-author, “ESG Regs Abroad Offer Road Map for US Multinational Cos.,” Law360, April 21, 2022.
  • Author, “‘Zero, zip, zilch:’ Squire Patton Boggs Team Earns First-in-Nation Ruling Finding No Injury for Single Fax Attached to Email,” TCPAWorld blog, September 28, 2020.
  • Co-author, “ADA in the Gig Economy – Trends in Class Action Litigation,” Bloomberg Law, August 28, 2019. 
  • Co-author, “California Privacy Act Keeps Broad Reach as Amendments Pass First Hurdle,” Bloomberg Law, August 12, 2019.
  • Co-author, “Pending Amendments May Shape Contours of California Privacy Act,” Bloomberg Law, July 9, 2019.
  • Author, “Hedging Bets: Court Finds Sufficient Allegations of ATDS without Taking Clear Stance on Standard,” TCPAWorld blog, July 10, 2019.
  • Author, “Asking the Right Question: TCPA Defendant Successfully Challenges Venue by Presenting Better Forum,” TCPAWorld blog, July 5, 2019.
  • Author, “Article III Standing a Double-Edged Sword for TCPA Plaintiff Seeking Remand to State Court,” TCPAWorld blog, June 5, 2019.
  • Author, “Closing the Coverage Gap?: California Supreme Court Set to Decide Whether Privacy Right Implicated by the TCPA Triggers Insurance Coverage for ‘Advertising Injury’,” TCPAWorld blog, May 6, 2019.
  • Author, “If at First You Don’t Succeed, Try Again: Court Grants Defendant’s Renewed Motion to Compel Arbitration After Finding Agency & Applicability of Terms to TCPA Claim,” TCPAWorld blog, April 10, 2019.
  • Author, “Whose Consent Is It Anyway?: Court Recognizes Reasonable Reliance Defense in Denying Summary Judgment to Junk Fax Plaintiff,” TCPAWorld blog, April 3, 2019.
  • Author, “Mucho Gracias! Northern District of Illinois Rejects Expansive Definition of Autodialer for Spanish Survey Texts,” TCPAWorld blog, April 3, 2019.
  • Author, “Oyez! Oyez! Oyez! The U.S. Solicitor General Set to Argue in Closely Watched PDR Network Petition,” TCPAWorld blog, March 7, 2019.
  • Author, “One Call, That’s All? Court Finds Single Missed Call Sufficient under Spokeo, But Hints an ‘Unnoticed’ Call May Change Result,” TCPAWorld blog, March 1, 2019.
  • Co-author, “To Defer or Not to Defer: Supreme Court Set To Hear Case That Could Decide Deference Standard In TCPA Cases,” World Class Defense blog, November 27, 2018.
  • Co-author, “Cybersecurity Bill Vetoed in Georgia,” Security & Privacy Bytes blog, May 21, 2018.
  • Co-author, “Data Breach Laws on the Books in Every State; Federal Data Breach Law Hangs in the Balance,” Security & Privacy Bytes blog, April 30, 2018.
  • Author, “Narrow TCPA Healthcare Exemption Upheld by D.C. Circuit,” Triage Health Law blog, March 20, 2018.
  • Co-author, “DC Circuit Vacates Key Aspects of FCC’s 2015 Order Interpreting the Telephone Consumer Protection Act,” Squire Patton Boggs client alert, March 19, 2018.
  • Co-author, “FCC Poised to Open the Floodgates,” Today’s General Counsel, Winter 2018.
  • Author, “Determining Insurance Liability and the Meaning of ‘Publication,’” Daily Report, August 1, 2016.
  • Author, “From Student Debt to Home Foreclosures, State AGs Take Growing Consumer Protection Role,” Forbes, June 25, 2015.
  • Author, “Catching Fire: Chemical Companies May Find Themselves Engulfed in Litigation,” DRI Newsletter, July 31, 2014.
  • Author, The 2014 McKenna Long & Aldridge California Litigation Guide, April 17, 2014.
  • Author, “No Sign of Dialing Down: FCC Rules May Increase TCPA Suits,” Law360, July 18, 2013.
  • Co-author, “Success Through Mentorship,” The Recorder, April 12, 2013.
  • Co-author, “The Many Faces of Directors’ Fiduciary Duties,” American Bankruptcy Institute Journal, September 2003.
  • Author, “The Telephone Consumer Protection Act at 25: Gaps, Apps and Traps,” Bloomberg BNA Privacy and Security Law Report, January 2, 2017.
  • Author, “TCPA TBD: D.C. Circuit to Rule on Key FCC Order,” Association of Corporate Counsel, Georgia Chapter, Winter Newsletter 2016.


Speaking Engagements

  • Speaker, “The Impact of Privacy Protections on Digital Advertising,” ANA Masters of Advertising Law Conference, November 15, 2023.
  • Speaker, “AI: The New Frontier in Class Action Litigation,” Celesq, Webinar, October 30, 2023.
  • Co-presenter, “Unleashing the Power of Generative AI: Achieving Retail Success via Risk Mitigation and Compliance,” Retail Industry Leaders Association’s 2023 Retail Law Conference, October 27, 2023.
  • Faculty Member and Presenter, “ESG Cross-Over Issues for All Lawyers in the Legal Department,” Chief Legal Executive Regional Summit Series, October 21, 2021.
  • Faculty Member and Presenter, “Class Action Trends,” Chief Legal Executive Regional Summit Series, June 17, 2021; April 27, 2021.
  • Faculty Presenter, “Master Class on Consent Revocation,” Contact Center Compliance/, June 8, 2021.
  • Presenter, “Can You Hear Me Now? Developments in TCPA,” Consumer Bankers Association Live 2020, October 1, 2020.
  • Moderator, “Professionalism and the Global Community,” State Bar of Georgia Chief Justice’s Commission on Professionalism, November 30, 2018.
  • Presenter, “2018 US Privacy Update,” The Canadian Bar Association, Access to Information and Privacy Law Symposium, October 19, 2018.
  • Co-presenter, “Collecting and Monetizing Data: High Risk, High Reward,” CLE Presentation, September 20, 2018.
  • Moderator, “Achieving Inclusive Infrastructure,” Metro Atlanta Chamber, May 14, 2018.
  • Co-presenter, “After the DC Circuit’s TCPA Decision: What You Should (and Should Not) Be Doing and Planning for the Road Ahead,” Webinar, May 3, 2018.
  • CLE Presenter, “Data Privacy for Non-Profits: A Toolkit for Sound Stewardship,” ICLE State Bar of Georgia, 15th Annual Non-Profit Law Seminar, March 8, 2018.
  • CLE Presenter, “TCPA Compliance Strategies: The Devil is in the Details,” September 12, 2017.
  • CLE Presenter, “TCPA in the 2017 Landscape: Looking Ahead,” The Knowledge Group webinar, July 24, 2017.
  • CLE Presenter, “You Had Me at Hello: Answering the Call of TCPA Compliance,” Association of Corporate Counsel CLE, Atlanta, December 8, 2016.
  • Featured Presenter, “Privacy in Practice: Security, Policies, and Best Practices,” NGO Counsel Forum, Atlanta, October 27, 2016.
  • Moderator, “Don’t Call Me, I’ll Call You: Navigating TCPA Compliance and Class Actions,” webinar, August 4, 2016.
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