Christopher Haas has significant litigation experience at the trial and appellate levels. He also counsels clients proactively to achieve their goals while minimizing risks and positioning themselves to succeed should disputes arise.

Christopher represents a broad range of clients, from individuals and family-owned businesses to multinational corporations and governmental entities. He has experience in a wide range of commercial disputes, with a particular emphasis on cannabis regulation, alcohol franchises, healthcare regulation, intellectual property, advertising and defamation.

Christopher also supports his community through pro bono work, including matters relating to criminal justice reform and animal welfare.

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  • Representing a prominent state university on appeal in litigation challenging its response to COVID-19.
  • Representing a nonprofit Ohio hospital and health systems association in matters before the Ohio Supreme Court.
  • Defending a verdict in favor of a research company and its three founding scientists on claims of trade secret misappropriation and breach of contract and defending verdict on counterclaims in the amount of US$19 million in compensatory damages and US$7.5 million in punitive damages.
  • Defending a verdict in favor of a large healthcare system after a 10-week jury trial on state antitrust, unfair competition, tortious interference, fraud and abuse, and deceptive trade practices claims with alleged treble damages of US$330 million.


  • Representing a financial institution in bringing multimillion-dollar claims for breach of contract and fraud against a Top 5 accounting firm, resulting in a favorable settlement.
  • Obtaining a dismissal of fraud and unfair trade practices claims against an international recruiting firm seeking more than US$130 million in damages.
  • Obtaining a US$5.6 million judgment against a prominent educational institution for negligent misrepresentation made to a foreign investor in a technology development project sponsored by the institution.

Cannabis Regulation

  • Serving as special counsel to the State of Ohio Department of Commerce in cases challenging the implementation of the state’s Medical Marijuana Control Program, including arguing on behalf of the department on appeal, resulting in dismissal of all claims.
  • Advising cannabis industry suppliers and participants nationwide on both federal and state compliance and transactional matters, as well as in governmental investigations.

Healthcare Regulation

  • Advising healthcare clients on telehealth regulation in connection with COVID-19.
  • Advising healthcare systems, including large, vertically integrated Ohio nonprofit systems, on regulatory and compliance matters, internal and governmental investigations, and litigation.
  • Advising a healthcare client in preparing a Community Health Needs Assessment.

Alcohol Franchises

  • Representing numerous Ohio alcohol distributors at trial and on appeal to prevent attempted termination of franchises in violation of the Ohio Franchise Act.
  • Representing an Ohio distributor in litigation regarding compensation owed under the Ohio Franchise Act following lawful termination of a franchise.
  • Representing a foreign wine manufacturer in a franchise dispute with an Ohio distributor.

Community Involvement

  • Advising a prominent animal welfare nonprofit organization in a dispute with facility regarding endangered species protection and treatment of captive wildlife.
  • Advising a prominent music technology client in obtaining a visa for a key consultant.
  • Advising inmates in their requests for compassionate release in connection with COVID-19.
  • Representing an inmate in appellate habeas proceedings before the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit.


  • The Ohio State University, J.D., summa cum laude, valedictorian, Order of the Coif, 2005
  • Case Western Reserve University, B.A., summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, 2001


  • Ohio, 2005


  • U.S. Ct. of App., Third Circuit
  • U.S. Ct. of App., Fourth Circuit
  • U.S. Ct. of App., Sixth Circuit
  • U.S. Dist. Ct., N. Dist. of Ohio
  • U.S. Dist. Ct., S. Dist. of Ohio
  • Recognized in Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch in America 2021-2025 for Appellate Practice, Commercial Litigation, Litigation – Intellectual Property and Litigation – Labor and Employment in Columbus
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