Elisa Blakers is a senior associate in our Labour & Employment Practice. Elisa advises clients from a broad range of industries on contentious and non-contentious aspects of employment and industrial law. Elisa assists clients to understand their obligations in respect of all employment-related matters.

In assisting clients to navigate the heavily regulated Australian employment landscape, Elisa prepares and advises on all employment-related documentation, undertakes workplace investigations and supports clients with day-to-day workforce management, including performance, misconduct and redundancy. Elisa represents employers in defending all types of employee claims, including unfair dismissal, general protections, breach of contract, discrimination, bullying and harassment.

In addition, Elisa provides support to our transactional teams by completing employment-related due diligence in respect of mergers and acquisitions.

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  • Representing a franchisee of a multinational corporation in Federal Court proceedings brought by a union regarding alleged breaches of an enterprise agreement.
  • Providing day-to-day support to the HR team of a large private sector organisation, including assisting in advising on employment contracts, policies, disciplinary issues, enterprise agreement interpretation, performance management and defending unfair dismissal claims.
  • Assisting with a complex workplace investigation involving complaints spanning many years and multiple stakeholders.
  • Advising on and instructing counsel at a six-day hearing before NCAT regarding allegations of discrimination in the provision of goods and services.
  • Providing pro bono advice on an employee underpayment claim spanning six years, including advice in respect of award entitlements and calculation of quantum of the claim.
  • Assisting in advising the Australian subsidiary of a multinational company on the employment aspects of a restructure.


  • College of Law, Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice, 2017
  • Macquarie University, LLB (Hons), 2016
  • Macquarie University, BCom, 2016


  • Supreme Court of New South Wales, 2017
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