Adam Berg is of counsel in the Washington DC office. A seasoned professional with 20 years’ experience in federal and state government, public policy advocacy and political campaigns, Adam has played a key role in enactment or defeat of major legislation across the full range of federal law.

Adam joined the firm after serving over 15 years on Capitol Hill, including as chief counsel to House Committee on Appropriations Democrats from 2017 to 2022. In that role, he advised the chair, staff director and the 12 subcommittee chairs during all markups, floor consideration and conference committee meetings on the “must-pass” annual appropriations measures. He also assisted members and staff with legislative drafting, floor and committee procedure, budget law, amendment strategy and floor strategy, working regularly with Democratic leadership and committee staff across the House.

Prior to his time on the Appropriations staff, Adam spent over a decade at the House Committee on Rules, most recently as deputy staff director and counsel. Helping to lead the “Speaker’s Committee’s” efforts coordinating and executing House Democratic leadership’s legislative and messaging strategies, Adam developed strong working relationships with senior staff across the Hill.

Earlier in his career, Adam conducted research on energy, environmental and natural resources legislation, served as staff in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, and worked on a number of competitive political campaigns at the local, state and federal levels.

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  • Georgetown University Law Center, J.D., 2010
  • Georgetown University, M.P.P., 2010
  • Haverford College, B.A., 2004


  • District of Columbia, 2023
  • Maryland, 2010
Award Mouse thought multimedia interface book medal screen monitor