Squire Patton Boggs Celebrates Amsterdam Office Opening

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Global law firm Squire Patton Boggs celebrated the recent opening of its Amsterdam office with a reception at HOFF Amsterdam attended by senior executives from Dutch and international companies, financial institutions, and private equity investors, as well as international partners and senior leaders from across Squire Patton Boggs.

After words of welcome by Amsterdam managing partner Jeroen Sombezki, brief addresses were made by Squire Patton Boggs Senior Strategic Advisor and former U.S. Speaker of the House John Boehner, Global Managing Partner – Clients & Strategy Stephen Mahon, and guest speaker Menno Middeldorp, Head of Research and former Chief Economist at Rabobank.

The firm’s Amsterdam office – its 16th European location – formally opened last month continuing a corporate and private equity expansion strategy that has seen the firm also recently open an office in Dublin and add practitioners in Frankfurt, Madrid, Milan, Paris and other locations.

“The Netherlands has a rich culture and dynamic economy where we already enjoy many valued relationships,” Steve Mahon commented. “Led by Jeroen and Selma, our team in Amsterdam will make this office an obvious choice for international and domestic M&A and PE transactions. We are excited to be open and ready for business.”

Speaker John Boehner said, “The Netherlands and the United States have enjoyed a long-standing friendship with important diplomatic and economic ties. With the launch of our new office the global team at Squire Patton Boggs is primed to put our resources to work to facilitate commerce and address important policy issues as we all seek smart solutions to the world’s challenges.”

“The response from Dutch and international clients has been positive and our pipeline for deals is strong,” Amsterdam managing partner, Jeroen Sombezki added. “We have hit the ground running and are excited for our prospects for continued growth.”

The firm’s Amsterdam office offers specialized corporate and transactional legal services, particularly M&A and private equity, backed by the full range of ancillary legal support. The Dutch team will focus on assisting domestic and international companies on a diverse range of cross-border matters, working very closely with the firm’s growing private equity practice.

Press Contacts

Angelo Kakolyris +1 973 848 5621