Squire Patton Boggs to Hold International Contracts Event at the Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade

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Squire Patton Boggs is pleased to announce it will be holding a roundtable event on risk management in international export contracts. The event will take place on February 24 at the Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade in Prague, and will be first of its kind to be hosted by the firm in the Czech Republic.

The roundtable will be opened by Mr. Vladimír Bärtl, the Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade for the Czech Republic, together with Mr. Milan Ráž, Director of Export Services at CzechTrade. Discussion will focus on the use of English law in international contracts and how best to manage issues with, and disputes over, export contracts. The event will provide a unique opportunity to hear views from our specialist lawyers regarding the legal challenges facing Czech exporters across international borders, particularly the Middle East and China.

Participating in the discussion will be:

  • Robert Norris and Ray O’Connor (Birmingham, UK), who specialize in major international projects and dispute resolution, particularly in the Middle East.
  • Tom Wilson, managing partner of Squire Patton Boggs’ Dubai office, who advises clients engaged in the procurement and delivery of infrastructure projects in the region.
  • Michelle Chen, corporate partner with an extensive amount of commercial and transactional experience in Asia.
  • Danica Sebestova, financial services partner with a focus on the UAE and international markets.
  • Rostislav Pekar, global co-head of investment arbitration, specializing in commercial arbitration and litigation.

The team will provide real life examples and practical tips on how Czech businesses should structure contracts and how contractual disputes can be managed effectively, using both “traditional” and less “traditional” methods.

The roundtable discussion will be in English with Czech interpreters available. Those wishing to attend the session should register for a place no later than 21 February. All enquiries should be directed to katerina.bolinova@squirepb.com.

Press Contacts

Angelo Kakolyris +1 973 848 5621