
The EU Electronic Communications Code Handbook

March 2021

The EU Electronic Communications Code is an ambitious recast of the existing EU regulatory framework for the regulation of electronic communications services and networks across the EEA. The code is aimed at promoting competition and consumer protection in electronic communications, while expanding the scope of telecom-style economic regulation to internet-based communications services.

The EU Electronic Communications Code Handbook is a new legal textbook, which consolidates the key European legislation and other instruments pertinent to the electronic communications sector, and includes annotations and commentaries by Francesco Liberatore and James Konidaris, to enable companies to navigate the new regulatory environment successfully.

This new handbook is an indispensable manuscript for all communications regulatory practitioners, in-house legal teams and regulators, not just in Europe, but also globally. The handbook is the only place where:

  • All the legislation is consolidated in one volume
  • Each provision is annotated with all the relevant case law and guidance available at the time of entry of the code
  • Each provision is cross-referenced and correlated to its relevant recital
  • Other useful information is easily available, such as a full list of the national regulatory authorities and competent authorities under the code

Find out more information about the EECC below: