
Hot Topics in Pensions Autumn 2020

October 2020
Region: Europe

We aim to keep our readers on the right side of both emerging and long-established laws. In our Autumn Hot Topics, we take a look at some current and emerging pensions issues alongside some unusual or archaic examples of UK law (which remain on the statute book for some unknown reason!). Have you inadvertently fallen foul of any of these little-known offences? Have you acted suspiciously while handling a salmon? Have you shaken your doormat at the wrong time of day? Have you been careful enough when firing your cannon or flying your kite?

Pensions topics covered include:

  • News from The Pensions Regulator and The Pensions Ombudsman
  • Further instalments on data protection, climate change and consolidation of defined contribution arrangements
  • What is on the horizon?

Please contact any member of our Pensions team for further information on any of the issues covered in our publication.