
Trade Talks – Sean McGuire (Director for Europe, CBI) Discusses the UK/EU Trade Relationship

March 2018
Region: Europe

Against a backdrop of Brexit and the groundwork being set for the UK to become an independent global trading nation, UK plc increasingly needs support and guidance. Our Trade Talks initiative provides businesses with current guidance and opinion, along with the resources and contacts to help to make strategic business decisions. Whether you are exporting or importing, looking for global investment opportunities or just need to be aware of economic and political issues, Trade Talks can and will help.

We bring together colleagues who have on-the-ground knowledge from key jurisdictions such as the US, China, the EU, Commonwealth, India and wider afield. This, coupled with experts from our global network of business leaders and influencers, will keep you abreast of economic and political issues in this fast-paced environment.

Our next stop on the Trade Talks tour is the European Union. The 25 March marks 61 years since the Treaty of Rome was signed, officially bringing the European Economic Community into existence. As Brexit negotiations pick up pace, we asked Sean McGuire, CBI Director for Europe, what is the outlook for the UK/EU relationship and trade in 2018 and beyond. Our interview probes economic trends, forecast for trade in 2018, the word on the street in Brussels, barriers and an insight on the relationship between the EU and the UK.

Full interview with Sean McGuire

To supplement our interview with Sean McGuire, Partners from Brussels and London have added their voices to the conversation. Download our UK-EU Trade Review.

If you wish to speak to one of our International Trade team, please see our contact card.

Interviewee Profiles:

Sean McGuire, Director for Europe, CBI

In his role at the CBI, Sean is responsible for all CBI’s EU affairs and lobbying activities vis-à-vis the European institutions on key issues of interest for the CBI membership, such as environmental policy, employment and social affairs, e-commerce, telecommunications, financial services, consumer policy and transport policy.

He is also responsible the CBI’s work on international trade and investment, including business links with the G8 and G20.

As CBI Brussels Director, he runs an in-house consultancy, the British Business Bureau (BBB), for UK trade associations, as well as the CBI’s Business House in Brussels, which houses 10 CBI member companies and organisations.

Sean has been with the CBI since 2001, during which time, he held a number of positions within it. Sean is also Vice Chairman of BusinessEurope’s International Relations Committee.

Prior to joining the CBI, Sean was European Affairs Adviser for the Engineering Employers’ Federation (EEF) in the UK.

Additional Resources:

For more US/UK content, please view our Public Policy team’s analysis of President Trump’s Full Year 2019 Budget proposal.

View our interview with Guy Dru Drury MBE (CBI Chief Representative SE NE Asia), as he discusses the Sino-UK trade relationship.

View our Sino-UK Trade Review for March 2018.