Event | Webinar

Keys for Japanese Businesses to Obtain Foreign Direct Investment Approvals to Close Their Cross-border M&A Deals and Investments in the US, the UK and Europe

Region: Asia Pacific
30 June 2022

The scope of Foreign Direct Investment approval requirements have significantly expanded in the US, the UK and Europe and are now often the key requirement for closing most cross-border M&A deals and investments by Japanese businesses. This webinar will feature leading experts discussing current issues critical to participants in cross-border deals at Japanese businesses and their overseas affiliates, including:

  • Which transactions require approvals in the US, the UK, Germany and other European countries.
  • How long are reviews expected to take prior to approval.
  • What are the key issues to navigate that may delay or prevent approval.
  • What is required for a submission.
  • Keys to obtaining Committee for Foreign Investment in the US (CFIUS) approvals and negotiating potential conditions with CFIUS.
  • What is required for approvals under the new UK National Security and Investment (NSI) regime from the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS).
  • Approval requirements in Germany and other EU countries.

Members of our Tokyo, Washington DC, London and Brussels offices, and our Corporate M&A, International Trade and Policy practices are offering this joint webinar to help Japanese businesses and their overseas affiliates prepare to advance their cross-border M&A and investment transactions.

Who Should Attend In-house counsel, corporate managers (strategy, planning and business development departments), M&A investment bankers and other advisers.

This webinar will be conducted in English.

This webinar will be conducted in English. Presentation materials will be sent to you after completion of the webinar along with the recording.

This program is pending 1.00 hour of CLE in CA and NY. Please send a separate email to Stan Aoyama, if you require credit.