Event | Virtual Event

Venture Law Meetup Webinar: Managing Employment Law Obligations When Returning Your Business “Back to Work”

Region: Americas
24 May 2021
Virtual Event

A recording of the webinar and presentation materials are available online.

Please join us for our monthly Venture Law Meetup Webinar. Partner Francesca Crisera will moderate a discussion between principal William Kishman and Beth Seals, General Counsel, Zippo Manufacturing Company, discussing what obligations employers have upon returning to work.

As has been well-documented and experienced, the pandemic has created many new challenges and obligations for businesses as they “return to work” after the height of the spread of COVID-19. This presentation will discuss businesses’ legal obligations as they are moving closer to “normal” operations, including vaccination hot topics, employee health and safety issues, leave and accommodation issues, and significant developments that still may be on the horizon.

This complimentary webinar series aims to equip executive officers and founders of new start-ups with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the various aspects of launching and growing a new venture.

We would like to thank our event co-sponsors: BioOhio, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland Clinic Innovations, Cleveland Health-Tech Corridor, Cleveland State University, CWRU LaunchNET, Flashstarts, Good Marketing, Inc., Greater Cleveland Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Marcum LLP, Merrill Datasite, OhioX, Plug and Play Cleveland, and StartInCLE.

We hope you can join us.