Event | San Francisco

Legal Basics for Startups: A Special Venture Law Meetup Seminar Held Paralleling the J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference – January 2020

Region: Americas
14 January 2020
Squire Patton Boggs
275 Battery Street, Suite 2600
San Francisco

We are pleased to once again host an additional special seminar as part of the firm’s Venture Law Meetup series focused on providing meaningful education events around the 2020 J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference.

This special event aims to equip executive officers and founders of new startups, as well as those who help counsel them or finance their ventures, with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the various legal aspects of launching and growing a new business. Designed as a highly interactive and engaging event, we will discuss a range of topics of interest to startup companies as follows:

Program Details
8:30 a.m.   Registration & Networking
9 a.m.   Top 10 Legal Mistakes That Your Startup Should Not Make
10:15 a.m.   Employment Issues for Startups
11:30 a.m.   IP Strategies to Drive Your Startup’s Success
12:30 p.m.   Lunch and Networking
1:30 p.m.   Workshop: Negotiating Term Sheets Related to Venture Capital Investments
3 p.m.   Networking Reception

Please join our team of seasoned lawyers who will be leading these discussions in the four segments noted above with an eye to providing practical guidance on what startups should be aware of as they look to establish and grow their new ventures.

If you would like to attend, or have colleagues who would, please register any interested parties using the “Register” button above.