Event | Cleveland

Venture Law Meetup – Donuts and Coffee Series: Connecting & Engaging with Investors

Region: Americas
4 October 2019
Squire Patton Boggs
4900 Key Tower
Cleveland, Ohio 44114

Please join us for our monthly Venture Law Meetup – Donuts and Coffee Series.

Leah Brownlee will be joined by Rich Mazzola and Marilea Campomizzi of Skoda Minotti to discuss “Connecting & Engaging with Investors.” This complimentary event series aims to equip executive officers and founders of new start-ups with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the various aspects of launching and growing a new venture.

Follow-up Webinar
For those who are unable to attend the live event on Friday, October 4, we will have a webinar broadcast of the information on Monday, October 7 from 1 to 2 p.m. EDT. To register, please visit our webinar registration website. Complete connection details will be included in the confirmation.

If you would like to attend, or have colleagues who would, please register any interested parties using the "Register" button above.

We would like to thank our event co-sponsors: BioEnterprise, BioOhio, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland Clinic Innovations, Cleveland Health-Tech Corridor, Cleveland State University, CWRU LaunchNET, Flashstarts, Good Marketing, Inc., Greater Cleveland Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Plug and Play Cleveland, Skoda Minotti and StartInCLE.