Event | Cleveland

Venture Law Meetup – Donuts and Coffee Series: Employment Law Basics

Region: Americas
2 November 2018
Squire Patton Boggs
4900 Key Tower, 127 Public Square
Cleveland, Ohio 44114

Please join us for the third installment of our monthly Venture Law Meetup – Donuts and Coffee Series.

This month’s topic is “Employment Law Basics for Start-ups.” William Kishman and Dylan Yépez will present and lead discussions on the topic in a session moderated by Leah Brownlee.

Taking place on the first Friday of each month, this series aims to equip executive officers and founders of new start-ups with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the various aspects of launching and growing a new venture. This hour-long presentation and discussion event is complimentary and includes a sampling of Cleveland’s finest donuts and fresh-brewed coffee.

Follow-up Webinar

For those who are unable to attend the live event on Friday, November 2, we will have a live webinar broadcast of the information on Monday, November 5, from 6 to 7 p.m. EDT. To register, please visit our webinar registration website. Complete connection details will be included in the confirmation.

Future Topics

  • Negotiating Venture Financing Transactions
  • Privacy and Data Security for Start-ups
  • Positioning Your Start-up for Investment
  • Negotiating With Corporate Partners

Future Series Dates

  • December 7, 2018
  • January 11, 2019
  • February 1, 2019
  • March 1, 2019

We would like to thank our event co-sponsors: BioEnterprise, BioOhio, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland Clinic Innovations, Cleveland Health-Tech Corridor, Cleveland State University, Flashstarts, Good Marketing, Inc., Plug and Play Cleveland, and Skoda Minotti.