Will Swarbrick is an associate in the planning team.

He acts for a range of clients, including developers, land promoters and local authorities and advises on all aspects of planning and highways law.

Will’s experience includes the negotiation of planning and highways agreements, advising on planning and enforcement appeals, permitted development rights, certificates of lawfulness and judicial review. Additionally, Will has experience in providing legal and strategic advice in connection with the Town and Village Green regime, and undertaking planning due diligence and providing planning advice as part of real estate acquisitions.

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  • Advising a leading regional developer on a judicial review claim against the proposed delivery of a £40 million package of highway and pedestrianisation works.
  • Acting for, and providing advice to, a landowner in respect of planning enforcement issues at a large-scale industrial site (including running an appeal against five enforcement notices issued by the local planning authority in respect of the site).
  • Acting for a developer on a planning appeal for a large residential development in North Lincolnshire, including the negotiation of a S106 agreement in relation to the same.
  • Acting for a local planning authority in the preparation and negotiation of a planning agreement for a residential-led mixed-use development for the regeneration of a town centre.
  • Acting for a food processing business in preparing a planning application for a logistics facility in North Yorkshire, including providing advice on planning policy and planning strategy, engaging and liaising with the consultant team and preparing a planning policy statement and drafting a S106 agreement in respect of the application.
  • Advising a land promoter in respect of various highways issues at a large urban extension in Oxfordshire, including stopping up of existing restricted byways and dedication of new estate roads. This included strategic advice on statutory powers, land ownership issues and the presumption of ad medium filum.
  • Acting for a hotel operator in relation to a number of S106, S278 and S38 agreements in connection with various strategic sites highlighted for both expansion of existing hotel sites and new developments.
  • Drafting and negotiating various S106 and S278 agreements for a local planning authority.


  • BBP Law School, M.A., L.P.C. with Business, 2017
  • University of Sheffield, LL.B., Law with German, 2016


  • England and Wales, 2019


  • English
  • German
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