Justyna Dereszyńska specializes in legal counselling in the field of court proceedings.

She represents businesses in courts of all instances, in particular, in the field of telecommunication, energy, construction and chemical law. She also represents creditors in enforcement, injunction and bankruptcy proceedings of a cross-border nature. She advises clients on legal aspects of advertising and promotion, as well as acts of unfair competition, including support in implementing pre-litigation measures. Her professional interests also include the legal protection of personal rights, especially the reputation of businesses.

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  • Representing US, Polish and Spanish renewable energy investors and developers in a series of disputes with Polish state-owned utilities over the unlawful termination of agreements on the sale of electricity and property rights from the certificates of origin (“green certificates”).
  • Representing one of the leading insurers and one of the largest European manufacturers of certain food and beverage types in the process of asserting claims in a product safety case against one of its ingredients providers.
  • Representing one of the Polish energy companies in dispute with ENEA, a Polish state-controlled energy offtaker, in relation to the unlawful attempt to terminate the long-term energy offtake agreement.
  • Representing a client from the construction sector in several disputes with a major Polish state-controlled energy offtaker concerning an unlawful attempt to stop performing long-term energy offtake agreements on grounds of invalidity.
  • Representing a retail company in a court dispute under the rebus sic stantibus rule, which stipulates that, where there has been a fundamental change of circumstances, a party may withdraw from or terminate the treaty in question.
  • Representing a company specializing in global procurement and trade of industrial raw materials in an LCIA arbitration dispute against an importer and distributor of coal.
  • Representing companies from various sectors in numerous court disputes concerning unfair competition.
  • Advising clients on combating unfair competition, as well as on various aspects of advertising and promotion (including pre-trial stage).
  • Representing shopping malls in numerous court, arbitration and insolvency proceedings against their tenants.
  • Advising and representing the State Treasury in a dispute concerning enforcing bank guarantees issued by Chinese banks, including cooperating with Chinese lawyers.
  • Advising the State Treasury in cross-border insolvency proceedings, including representing the client in that regard before Polish courts.
  • Participating in UNCITRAL arbitration proceedings.
  • Representing well-known airlines in numerous disputes with consumers.
  • Representing both individuals and companies in court disputes regarding protection of personal rights.
  • Representing the State Treasury and the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways (GDDKiA) in two secondary insolvency proceedings of Alpine Bau GmbH and Alpine Bau A1 GmbH sp.j. in Poland and collaborating with Austrian lawyers representing the client in the main insolvency proceedings in Austria.
  • Advising the State Treasury and the GDDKiA in the arbitration dispute against AWSA S.A., under UNCITRAL rules, regarding the validity of the annex to the concession agreement for constructing and operating the toll section of the motorway and the manner of settling the compensation for losing the toll proceeds entitlement from the toll sections of A2 motorway (value in controversy: PLN1 billion).
  • Advising and representing the State Treasury and the GDDKiA in a dispute regarding enforcement of bank guarantees issued by Chinese banks, including collaboration with Chinese lawyers.
  • Day-to-day services for the State Treasury and the GDDKiA regarding disputes with contractors, including drafting legal opinions and letters in the course of pursuing road construction investments.


  • University of Wroclaw, Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics


  • Warsaw Bar Association, 2011

Memberships & Affiliations

  • Member, Polish Arbitration Association, 2020


  • Polish
  • English
  • German

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Award Mouse thought multimedia interface book medal screen monitor