
US Senate Passes Tax Reform Legislation – Here’s What You Need to Know

December 2017
Region: Americas
After midnight on December 2, the US Senate took a major step toward accomplishing comprehensive tax reform: on a near party-line vote, it passed its version of the most sweeping legislation to overhaul the US Tax Code in a generation. Although Republicans have made significant progress on tax reform – at lightning speed – they still have more work to do before tax reform becomes law. This week, House and Senate leaders are expected to begin the process of conferencing their respective versions of the bill.  In particular, they will have to reconcile differences between the two chambers, including the phase-in of the corporate rate, pass-through rates, Byrd-rule compliance, repeal of the Obamacare individual mandate and the mortgage interest deduction, to name just a few. 

In this publication, we report and analyze the latest developments, highlighting key aspects of the Senate-passed bill, starting with a brief overview of some domestic provisions, followed by more detailed points applicable to multinational businesses.