Event | Webinar

Environmental, Social and Governance Risks and Opportunities: Practical Considerations for UK Pension Schemes

Region: Europe
17 February 2022
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The recording for this webinar is now available to view online.

The trustees of a UK occupational pension scheme have received an email from an international human rights charity alleging that one of the scheme’s suppliers has been linked with modern slavery and anti-money laundering breaches. How should the trustees respond to the email? Would it make a difference to their response if it was a member who raised the issue?

In our next webinar, we will be considering these and related dilemmas facing institutional investors in order to answer the question of how investors should prepare for the risks of challenge to the execution of the pension fund’s policy on environmental, social and governance (ESG).

We are delighted to be joined by Marion Maloney, Head of Responsible Investment, at the Environment Agency Pension Fund. Marion will share her experience of implementing a responsible investment strategy and adopting a “net zero” target, and discuss the governance aspects of ensuring that the policies adopted stand up to scrutiny.

The emphasis in this webinar will be on the practical governance considerations for pension schemes, after deciding on their ESG/Responsible Investment policy. There will be a particular focus on how to prepare for and address challenges and enquiries.

The webinar should be of interest to both public sector and private sector pension scheme managers, trustees, employers, actuaries, investment consultants, auditors, covenant advisers, administrators and asset managers. We hope you will be able to join us.