Event | Webinar

A Good Time for Made in Italy: International Opportunities and Challenges

Region: Europe
24 June 2021

A recording from this event is now available to view online.

The Topic

This webinar, which for the main part will be in Italian, aims to tap into a rising tide of positivism around the Made in Italy tag, assisted by the appointment of the Draghi government, the prospect (at least, from the perspective of many foreign investors) of a period of political stability, anticipation of a rise of consumer spending pent-up during the global lockdown, the economic boost to the local economy that should be given by the €200+ billion earmarked for Italy under the European recovery funds, and a renewed interest in all things Italian championed by the America’s Cup adventure of Luna Rossa. In addition, the trade policy of the Biden Administration is expected to facilitate increased conflict-free trade between the US and the EU.

Keynote Speakers

In this context, our guest speaker, New York-based Italian Trade Agency Commissioner, Antonino Laspina from ICE – The Italian Trade Commission (Trade Promotion Section of the Italian Embassy in the US) will address the topic “Opportunities for Made in Italy in the US market”.

For a US perspective, Frank Samolis, co-chair of our International Trade Practice, will provide highlights of the Biden Administration trade agenda, viewed through the transatlantic lens, and some bird’s eye insights into current perceptions of the Made in Italy label from a US standpoint.

Panel Discussion

Following the keynotes, our first two speakers will join a panel comprising an Italian industry leader and our own in-house experts. Together, they will discuss a number of key challenges facing Italian multinationals working to expand their global businesses, and nascent and evolving regulatory changes that are critical to ongoing business development and market access for Italian, as well as European, products. They will cover issues such as:

  • A new wave of EU regulations on e-commerce, and online selling
  • The importance of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) measures for investors and consumers
  • Challenges for the protection of key intellectual property rights on a global scale
  • Rules and practices governing use of the “made in” label


Keynote Speakers and Topics

  • Antonino Laspina – Trade Commissioner, Italian Trade Agency (ICE), New York
    Opportunità per il Made in Italy nel mercarto statunitense
  • Frank Samolis – International Trade, Washington DC 
    Biden Administration Trade Priorities and US Perception of the Made in Italy Label
  • Cleto Sagripanti – Former President, European Confederation of the Footwear Industry, Brussels 
    Le sfide dell’industria calzaturiera europea e dei produttori italiani
  • Francesco Liberatore – Competition and Antitrust, London
    E-commerce e regolamentazione – prospettiva europea
  • Daniela Sabelli – Corporate, Milan
    Importanza di ESG per investitori e consumatori
  • Paolo Beconcini – Intellectual Property and Technology, Los Angeles
    Le sfide per la tutela dell’IP nel contesto globale
  • Fabrizio Vismara – Tax/Litigation, Milan
    Regole e prassi del Made In

Who Should Attend?

The webinar is aimed at business development, legal, institutional and corporate affairs and marketing teams in multinational groups and businesses exporting Made in Italy products and services, together with advisers and consultants involved in assisting Italian groups in expanding their businesses internationally.

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