Event | Webinar

How to Be Perfect In Your Own Way – A Health and Wellbeing Talk With GYN and Georgie Kirk

Region: Europe
11 May 2021

Exhausted by struggling to be perfect? Wish you could be better?

This talk redefines “perfect” for humans and explores the balance between being happy as we are and striving to improve. This “stand-up psychology” session aims to reassure, liberate and empower a 21st-century audience. Expect a few laughs and lots of lightbulb moments.

The talk lasts 45 minutes and will be followed by 15 minutes of Q&A.

Georgie Kirk is a motivational speaker and a coach in effective communication. Speaking from experience, Georgie helps clients manage the anxiety and stress of striving for perfection to help them live relaxed, happy and fulfilling lives.

For more information, please visit the How to be Perfect website.

If you would like to attend, or have colleagues who would, please register any interested parties using the "Register" button above.

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