Event | Birmingham

Minds Matter – Breaking the Stigma

Region: Europe
11 February 2020
Squire Patton Boggs
Rutland House
148 Edmund Street
Birmingham B3 2JR

  • Do you ever feel guilty about wanting to go home at the end of the day?
  • Do you ever go to work when your heart or head just is not in it?
  • Do you ever feel you are a fraud and about to be found out?
  • Do you ever feel an expectation to keep going and be strong?

If you or anyone you know has felt the same, or has had similar struggles, we would be delighted if you and your colleagues would join us for the Minds Matter – Breaking the Stigma event which follows Time to Talk day on 8 February.

“Breaking the Stigma” will address the little talked about, highly stigmatised and often taboo subject of mental health, in a brutal, honest and “close-to-the-bone” satire. The session will be led by the inspirational Andy Salkeld, a chartered accountant who trained and qualified at PwC before moving into industry. Andy will discuss his real-life experiences and struggles with depression, anxiety, stress and, ultimately, his suicide attempt.

Why Join Us?

Mental ill health impacts one in four people every year. Suicide is the single largest killer of men under 45 in the UK, with three in every four people who take their lives being men.

We need to break the stigma around mental health and encourage people to share what they feel, both inside and out of the workplace, so healing can begin and help can be found.

Who Is Andy Salkeld?

Andy is just a regular guy who has knowingly lived with depression for most of his life. Struggling with his career in his 30s, distant from his family and feeling unable to connect with anyone, he was at his lowest point when his marriage failed, contemplating taking his own life.

Turning his life around, Andy now advocates positive mental health, giving his signature “Breaking the Stigma” talk across the UK at professional organisations, including Addleshaw Goddard, RSM and more. He works closely with business leaders across their UK offices as they seek to build mentally healthy cultures. Follow him on Twitter or LinkedIn.

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